Chapter seventeen: I Like You.

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August Atlas Calloway likes me

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August Atlas Calloway likes me.

Holy shit.

I don't think anyone has ever liked me in that way, I have always been the reserved girl who sits in the front of the class as well so I don't think that contributed to the situation.

Atlas is...cute, amazing, beautiful.

Inside and out.

And I like him as well I just never really knew what it felt like to like someone in that way.

I know I read a lot, mostly about love, but I've never felt it myself, and I've never loved someone like that as well, I just know that Atlas makes my tummy flip when I see him and that his smile brings a fluttering feeling all over me.

It could be that I liked him for a long time I just didn't make a connection between the word and the feeling.

"What's taking you so long?" Atlas whined as he entered the room again.

He smiled and the fluttering feeling began.

"Are you still thinking about what I said?" He asked as he sat next to me.

I nodded.

"There is nothing to think about, I like you, that's not going to change anytime soon, I'm not scared to say it because you're my best friend and I can say anything to my best friend." He smiled again.

I climbed into his lap.

"I like you, and I'm not just saying it because you said it first but because I never knew what's it's like to like someone and so I didn't make the connection between the word and the feeling but I like you, a lot." I looked into his eyes as I confessed.

"I really want to kiss you right now." He admits.

"So, kiss me." I am completely aware that I am straddling his lap right now, and that my dress has ridden up again, so my underwear is completely on display, again.

Atlas's lips are smashed against mine, his arms wrap around me and bring me closer to him so I'm flush against him.

Our breath combine with each other as his tongue slides against my lips, asking for permission, and I open for him.

My hands find his shoulders, neck, hair, anything that they can touch.

"You're perfect." He whispers agains my lips.

"Thank you," I reply in my hazy state.

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