Chapter Twenty One: My Beautiful Jade.

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Her head is laying on my chest, her hair all over the place

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Her head is laying on my chest, her hair all over the place.

She's asleep.

Her sweet scent fills up my nose and warms my heart.

She is the most perfect girl I have ever laid eyes on, inside and out.

And she is leaving.

She didn't even tell me where she's going, I'm sure it's Ivy League.

I wouldn't expect anything less than that for my over achiever.

I'm happy for her don't get me wrong, I'm happy that she's getting out of this town that doesn't deserve her, I'm happy that even after her grandfather's death she still has higher hopes for her future.

I'm just sad thinking that I won't have her with me everyday anymore.

But I will never tell her that, I will never hold her back.

My beautiful Jade.


I woke up with my head on August's chest, his even breathing in my ears

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I woke up with my head on August's chest, his even breathing in my ears.

He's so perfect in every which way, the dream boy that fathers wish their daughters fall in love with.

And boy I have fallen.

But my head is not in the right place right now, and I don't want to break his beautiful heart and possibly ruin it for another girl that gets to fall in love with him.

And if he is meant for me, then we'll end up together and if not than no.
Hey. Hi. Hello.

How are you?

Okay so I realized that I suck at time management and updating persistently so I'm so very sorry that I haven't updated this story in a while :(

Anyhow how did you like this filler?

I kinda just wanted to add this August pov in cause I missed writing in his pov.

K, so I hope you have a good day/night and I hope you'll get another update from me soon.

Love youuuuuuu

 Thank you for reading!!

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Thank you for reading!!

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