Chapter Fourteen: Untold Stories.

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Walking the halls without the twins feels weird

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Walking the halls without the twins feels weird. For two months they acted as a protective shield over me.

No one made snide remarks as I passed and I had company at school which was very abnormal in itself.

Now I'm back to being invisible at school, which isn't all that bad, it's just that I miss Atlas and Lana.

My phone started ringing and when I picked it up I saw Lana's handle. I picked up immediately.

"Morning sunshine!" She chirped.

"Morning Lane," I exclaimed.

"Want to hang out today?" She asked.

"Sure, mine or yours?" I ask, we don't usually go to her house but I still ask out of politeness.

"Mine," she answers.

"Hmm, that's new." I noted.

"Yep, see you at five, love you." She hangs up.

"Oh hello, January is it? Come in." Mrs. Calloway smiles as I walk in.

"Thank you," I smile softly at her as she closes the door.

"Do you want to drink something?" She asks with a beaming smile.

"No, thank you, Mrs. Calloway." I wring my hands together nervously.

"It's Evelyn, sweetheart," she offers with a smile.

"Oh, Umm, well, no thank you, Evelyn." I'm blushing an ugly red now.

"Aren't you lovely." She smiled even more brightly.

"Who are you talking to, mom?" Atlas walked into the kitchen from where I presumed is the living room.

"Hey, Atlas." I offered a small wave.

"J- Jade, hey." He smiled softly at me.

"Hey," I said again with a small smile forming on my lips.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Lana told me to come over." I explained.

"She did?" Evelyn asks.

I nod.

"That's... weird, she's not here sweetheart, she and her dad left to the city an hour ago." Evelyn said.

"She did?" I asked, confusion written all over my face.

Evelyn nods.

"Oh, okay, then I'll go now." I say trying not to let my embarrassment show.

"No," Atlas exclaimed, "don't go, we can hang out, right? Like we used to."

"Uh, yeah, sure." I nod with a smile.

"Come on," he stretches his hand out for me to hold. I take it and he drags me up the stairs not before I can thank Evelyn.

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