Chapter Twelve: Needed Apologies.

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"Am I starting to show?" Lana came up to me in the hallway during lunch

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"Am I starting to show?" Lana came up to me in the hallway during lunch.

It's a few weeks after she broke up with Jacob the dick, she moved back to her parents' home and I'm still her only allay, it's safe to say that we've become great friends.

I look at her belly and see a little bump starting to form, "how far along are you?" I whisper.

"Eleven weeks, twelve on Sunday, am I?" She urges.

"A little." I answer honestly.

"What am I going to do?" She asks, panic evident in her voice.

"Sweatpants, and when that doesn't work anymore, you're going to have to tell your family." I pat her shoulder lightly for comfort.

"I'll tell August today." She stated.

"What?" I ask, she's been adamant about not telling anyone, especially not Atlas.

"Yeah, it's eating me not telling him, we never keep secrets from each other, I need my brother." She crashes into me with a tight hug that I immediately give back.

"It's okay, I support you no matter what." I carefully squeeze her a little bit more.

"Hey, January!" I hear Atlas call.

"Hey!" I lift my head up and smile at him, even though Lana is kinda hiding him from my sight with her height and my lack there of.

"What's up?" He came over to us and ruffled Lana's hair.

Lana in return punched him in the stomach.

Atlas and I also got closer, but that's more complicated.

"Nothing much," I shrug.

"I can't believe we're going back to West tomorrow." His smiled dimmed slightly.

West finally fixed their lab up and cleared it for the students to come back.

Which is a total bummer because all of us just started getting along and now they're returning to their old school.

Now I'll be all alone at school again.

"Yeah that sucks." I agreed.

Atlas in turn got in between Lana and I, and wrapped his arms around our shoulders and led us outside where we usually eat our lunches.

"You could move to West," Atlas casually mentioned.

"We've been over this," I groaned, "I can't move schools three months before graduation."

"Yeah yeah, excuses excuses." Atlas yammered but tightened his hold on me.

I elbowed his side.

♡ ♡ ♡

The bell that singles that the store opened ringed and when I look up from my spot behind the counter I see a very angry Atlas walking straight towards me.

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