chapter 1-the death of us both

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(f/n)- first name

(l/n)-last name

(h/c)-hair color

(e/c)-eye color

(s/c)-skin color
Sorry for any spelling errors.This is when you and eren where in the dungeon.
(f/n) pov

I woke up in a dark and cold place.i moaned while sitting up."hey (f/n) are you okay" i heard a familiar voices ask me when I turn my head I saw Eren in the cell next to me.i shock my head and wrap my hands around my stomach.

I got a wound from the same titain that ate of the toothes had grazed me, ripping a small but deep hole.I tend to heal slower then eren.and your titan are way different.

Eren asked one of the guards for bandages.the gaurds was in no hurry though.then a short man and a man with bushy eyebrows walked started to got dizzy because of the blood loss.

The short man walked over to your cell and asked " what is your purpose and name".all you remender is falling back onto the bed and everything growing dark.

~~~Time skip~~~

You woke again and look around."hey (f/n) do you feel a little better"eren nodded and he gestured for you to come here. You did as he wanted. He pulled up your shirt and told you to sit down. You sat down your back up against the cells bars connecting both of your cells.eren took the blood soaked bandages off and wrapped new bandages around my moaned with pain.

After eren was done i thanked him and climbed back into bed.

~~~Time skip~~~

A women with brown hair and the man with blonde hair went to eren's cell and asked if he was ready to go. As long as him put handcuffs on they did the same with me. The lady said her name was hanji and the other was mike as we were walking somewhere.they opened the door and shoved us in.

I didn't say a word and had my green hod over my head.(the green poncho things with the crest in it)

I look up to see...courthouse...we where underneath the courthouse the whole time"

the two guards shoved me and eren told us to keep walking one of the guards told eren to neal the other did the same to me.eren was faster. But guess i wasn't moving fast enough so the guard hit me in the stomach.

I couldn't grab my stomach because my hands were still handcuffed behind my back but I can feel my wound reopening.

"crap this isn't good"i thoughy

I fell to a knealing position almost gasping for air.

~time skip~
To where they where accusing Mikasa of being a titan

I still haven't said a single word.eren was getting angry and started yelling but didn't finish cause that same short man when and started beating the crud out of him.

"eren...stop,just stop there is no point in wouldn't matter anyway...half of this people have even see a why are they so scared of us...haha if you ask my most of the people here are jus-"i got cut of when a mp(military police) kicked me in the stomach.i throw my head down and coughed up blood.

I got hit in the face a couple of times.along with the stomach.i could see blood,taste it,and feel it dripping down my face.eren was getting pretty upset the man how was beating him up stoped.

Eren never stopped glaring at mp who was beating me senseless.

Levi told the mp to stop he did."SIR I WOULD LIKE TO GO WITH THE MILITARY POLICE"eren looked at me like i was crazy"what (f/n) you h-"i cut him off and said "it will be the death of us both...and at least you will be able to live".and the judge said"alright so it is settled...(f/n) will be going with the mp and eren is going to the scouts court dismissed"

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