chapter 6-thank you

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(f/n) pov

It spilled out every was still really hot and there where body parts and body in the vumit that came up.i told her to stay still and have your head on the ground and she did say she was told.

It hit my body and rolled off.after that damn titain was done i whistle for my horse.amder came trotting along and i put the little girl on her and started to step away from the Titan.i didn't say a word to enybody and my face was emtionless.

"(F/N) I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!I'M SO SORRY,CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME."hanji started yelling and crying on her hands and knees.i just walked to the gate and looked at the little girl."hey do me a favor,don't look back no matter what happens.this is Amber,she likes to be peted,why don't you straighten her mane for me ok" I whisper to her and she nodded and started with a big smile on her face.

"i know her form somewhere...but where...wait it can't be"i thought as i walked back to the pile of vumit.

I started looking around while petra was dealing with a crying hanji everybody else was wondering about my tail and ears considering I didn't have my hoodie was still on the little girl.

"ok so where are they,hanji said something adout there was an accident involving a kid and her parents.and her parents were the one who tried helping me escape, when the military police tried to dissect me for the millionth time."you thought as you froze.

"ok found one,her dad."you though as you walked over and kneed down.

He was biten in half.and there was only his waist and up.and his eyes were open.i stud up and started looking for her mom.after adout two minutes i heard a soft voice say "take her,please take her"i turned my head to see the same women that tryed to save me.

I walked over to her and kneed down.she coughed up blood and finally turned and looked at me."remember me,right"she asked."yeah you said your name was Luna,your husband was mike and the in the picture that you showed me was your daughter lucy,right" i asked and she nodded.

She put her hand out and touched my bloody face."c-can you do so-something for m-me"she asked i simply nodded."mike has a small pocket knife in his s-shirt p-po-pocket,and the picture in the same pocket."she paused then continued" then take my hoodie and i h-have a loc-lockit in my pocket for her bir-birthday which is tomorrow"i nodded and got all the items and walked back to her,she thanked me.

"can you do me two more faver please"she asked in a low sweetly voice.i nodded and she started to say"can you please take care of her please, she doesn't have a-any more family other than u-us,and her grandparents which are on the in-inner side of the city so you won't be able to contact them f-for a will" she paused again and coughed up more blood and then continued"...and i would like to be n-next to my h-husband when I die and I think i-it's co-coming sooner then i want,oh well I guess you j-just have to l-live life to the f-fullest. I want to say goodbye to our li-little girl but at the same ti-time I don't want to scar her in-innocent little face with the d-death of her parents.can you tell her that we love her so very much and happy birthday and many more" she finally finished.

I nodded in response and I helped her hobble to her husband so I didn't have to carry his half deceased body."where is my l-little girl,i want to see her,you and my h-husband to be the last thing that I-I s-see"she asked."she over there on my horse...oh and.....thank you"i said in a very soft and low voice and putying my head down a little.

She looked up and smiled at lucy,then me,and then her husband and then she closed her eyes at him."lucy my strong little girl,(f/n) thank you and the same little girl i was,and i mean different,but in a good way, and last but not least my beloved husband,we shall be hand and hand to the end of time" she said all that without stuttering and her eyes were still closed and with that she took her last breath still with an innocent smile on her face.

Not a single tear fell from my eyes,but there was a slight smile.

"thank you"i thought as you got up."she died the way she wanted,she's happy".

Sorry this chapter was really sad,not to be a crybaby or anything,but I felt like I was going to cry,I didn't but,I felt like it


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