chapter 4-sorry

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(f/n) pov

It's been adout 2 weeks since levi found out adout me.we were going to see sonny and bean to titans that hanji had as experiments.

"i do hate titans but...i know what it is like being experimented on it's not the best feeling"i thought

We were in the stables.eren took my hand and bragged me to a horse that was a light brown color.eren told me that this was going to be my horse and that I can name it what ever I want." Amber,you can be amber"i said stroking her mane.

Levi told everyone to hurry up and after that we was adout a half in hour ride to get there but when we did we all dismounted.we went inside and hanji gave us tour and showed us the titans.

We were walking to the titains and one of the guard said "hanji don't get to close this time!!!"

"oh come on we'll be fine"she was me,hanji and eren that were right in front of sonny.sonny was blond and was nailed down to the concrete."uhm...hanji i think were to close to him"i said with a stright face.

"nooo were fine"she said patting me on the back.we were a couple of feet away from him.and we were facing sonny i was in the the middle with hanji blabbering on my right and eren on the left.

Before i know it he lunged at us and i pulled both of them back sleeve got caughtin his teeth and he pulled me up into the air and i pulled a sword and i can hear hanji yelling at me not to kill he.

I looked at hanji with a stright face and then eren i mouthed a 'sorry' and before i know it i got swallowed.

Sorry for not updating stupid school projects.

till the day I die(eren x reader x levi)Where stories live. Discover now