Chapter 7

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I know she doesn't want me to do this, and I know she will hate me when she wakes up, but I just couldn't hold myself. I really can't stand this, stand her parents. How could they treat her like that, like it isn't enough that she's been blaming herself for the past five years of her life? I'm trying to help her while they just destroy everything I've been trying to do in a minute with their harsh words.

I've never liked her mother, Samantha, ever but I've always managed to control myself from insulting her or saying anything bad to her just for the sake of Nova because I know how much she loves her. And I know that Samantha is not a fan of mine either. Nova has never told me openly that her mother dislikes me, but I'm not blind or dumb. 

Ever since she saw me for the first time, she has been giving me disgusted looks, the looks a mother gives a boy that is trying to fuck her daughter and leave, the looks that ask 'how the hell did you get into my daughter's life, and what does she even see in you?' Yeah, sometimes I wonder that too. 

It sounds sad to say that she's one of my first and only friends but I've really never been good at starting conversations with people and making friends and I have nothing against it. I even find it uncomfortable when someone tries to talk to me and I pray to God that a person doesn't approach me when I feel them walking in my direction.

I don't know how she managed to clinch to me actually. In the start, she was like this parasite that I couldn't get rid of. I found her so annoying, and I was sure to show it to her so she could leave me alone, but she just didn't. Even though I was rude, she would show up at my front door after school every day. And on the weekends she would either bake something sweet and bring it with her or buy coffee on her way, saying she had no time to bake because of her homework. I never eat her sweets in front of her, but when she left I really enjoyed eating them. She is a really good baker, I must admit.

It was odd, and I still don't get it but somehow she managed to stick around until she became like a routine for me to the point where I would feel uneasy when she didn't show up, looking at the door all day waiting for her appearance.

She's made herself so important to me and I'm so used to her and that contagious smile of hers that I can't bear to see anyone take away by hurting her. So here I am now, in front of her parent's small old moldy house. My body fills with rage when I see her mother watering the flowers on the front steps while singing I feel fine by The Beatles. She seems so careless, not caring about the fact that she hurt her own daughter just a week ago. If she's that unbothered I might as well go and bother her.

"Samantha!" I say, my voice filled with rage as I walk towards her with big steps. She puts her watering can on the wooden floor as she walks to the door in a failed attempt to walk into her house. Speeding up I get to her, holding the door with my hand before she has the chance to close it. She resists and tries to close it but it's of no use. After all, I'm much bigger and stronger than her.

I kick the door open and step in, causing her to stumble on her own feet but she doesn't fall. "What do you want?" she tries to make her question sound confident, but I can hear the fear hiding in her voice. "What do you think of yourself, hurting your daughter like that, without even regretting it or trying to apologize to her?" I walk closer to her, but I stop when she starts walking away from me, afraid of what I might do to her.

"You think you know how to raise a child? A part of being a parent is telling your kids the truth, which sometimes isn't the nicest thing to hear but it's necessary." I glare at her, not even trying to contain myself anymore. 

"Claiming that Nova was the fault of her brother's death isn't 'the truth' and we both know that. You're just trying to find a target to hit on so that you can feel better about your son's death." Instead of answering me she just lowers her gaze to the ground, looking at the beige carpet, so I continue. "I know you're hurt and I get it, I really do. Losing someone close to your heart isn't easy. But it's been five years Samantha, move on and let your daughter be. Let her live her own life. Sirius is dead, just accept that."

"Don't you dare put my son's name on your dirty tongue and say that he's dead! Sirius will always be with me, I can feel him around here. And don't act all sympathetic, you go and comfort that little brat of yo..." I don't give her a chance to finish her sentence as I walk towards her with fast steps, causing her to walk backward until she hits the wall behind her hard. I slam the same wall hard with my fist. 

I came here with rage filling me, but when I saw her she reminded me of Nova so I decided to calm down just for Nova, now she made the mistake of provoking me causing me to lose all of the self-control that I'd been trying to maintain. She's responsible for the consequences 

"Don't ever call her that ever again or else..."

"Or else what?" She challenges me, whit fear in her voice.

"I'm ready to do anything for Nova, including hurting the people that hurt her." I say holding her face in my hand.

"Hah, so you do really care about her. I didn't think that she would manage to get someone to like her someday. None of her friends stuck with her, not even her best friend Daiana." I take a deep breath, calming myself down again. "Look Samantha, you're really starting to piss me off so just stop. I know it's been hard for you but it's been even harder for her."

"Don't try to play the sympathetic role, what do you even know about losing someone?" she laughs

I feel an ache in my heart "Believe me or not I know. You're not the only victim here so stop acting like it."

"Miles, what are you doing? Get off her!" I hear a voice coming from behind me and as I look in its direction I see Nova's dad swinging his fist toward my face. "Don't you ever lay a hand on my wife ever again!" He says as he throws punches at me. I clench my fist and raise my hand in an attempt to beat him up, but then I remember how good he's been to Nova and that he's always been the one to be on her side. But what happened this time, why didn't he defend Nova?

When I feel my nose bleeding I hold his hand to stop him from hitting me again. "Look, I'm not gonna hit you back just because you've always been on Nova's side, except this time and I really don't wanna know why because then I don't know if I will be able to control myself," I say wiping my nose with the sleeve of my black hoodie. "all I know is that you, Samantha, are going to call Nova, invite her over here and apologize to her. You have two days, and if you don't do it trust me you will find me on your doorsteps again, and the next time not as calm as this time."

I drop his hand and make my way toward the door. "And don't ever mention this evening to her, not even by mistake. Have a nice day." I saw without looking back before I walk through the door and get into my car. Both of them stand at the door looking at me, making sure I leave and don't hide somewhere in their garden. They have really taken me for some kind of criminal and that has its positive effects.

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