Chapter 35

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A month went by faster than I had expected and I hadn't opened the notebook this whole time, and the first chapter Miles had dedicated to me was the last one I read. After almost two hours of a nonsleepy night, filled with tears and overthinking I finally came to terms with myself, I promised myself that I would focus on me and not let either past mistakes nor Miles take control of my life. I had been dwelling far too long and it was time I tried to move on. It hasn't been easy, not that I had expected otherwise but I would definitely say that I was doing a fine job so far. I have mostly been busy with work. Alexis and I took a whole week's vacation where he showed me around the city. I had yet still had a whole lot more to see but so far, judging by the many places Alexis had shown me I really loved the place.

After our little break, it was finally time for Alexis to introduce me to his new restaurant where both of us will be working and all I can say is that Alexis had done his very best to make the place look almost exactly like the other restaurant back home. I haven't had the time to get to know the staff of the new restaurant that good yet mostly because we still haven't opened up the restaurant due to Alexis insisting on all of his new staff going throw a one-month-long training because he just couldn't stand having the same failed crew as the other restaurant. And as a result, we haven't worked all that much together because Alexis has been pushing us and wouldn't tolerate the slightest sign of indiscipline which hasn't given us a really good opportunity to properly talk to each other.

It has been a very tough month given the fact that Alexis was our instructor, but it has also done me very good. Not have I only improved my cooking skills and I can make a decent meal almost without any mistakes, but the discipline he put us in gave me almost no time to think about Miles which has been my main goal. But unfortunately, I couldn't work all day long which gave the thoughts room to reenter my brain after my long eight-hour shift. I tried to push them away and I got better at it as time went by. It went from me thinking about him whenever I had time for myself, to me thinking about him during my very silent showers and when I head to bed and now only having images of him when the day ended as I tried to drift off to sleep. A big reason for my success in not thinking about him during the day is Gia Sophia that's always around me, entertaining me in many different ways.

I have always found it easy to make friends with people but Gia Sophia is really a whole other thing. Our relationship has grown so unbelievingly much during one month that I sometimes feel like I have known her for several years. She's really sweet, funny, and wise at the same time, helpful in her own ways, and friendly. And I find it really fascinating how she manages to treat me like a daughter and a best friend at the same time.

And although I still think about him still it is different because now my memories of him don't make me sad anymore, it makes me annoyed. I can't put my finger on how or when exactly my feelings for him turned into anger but they have somehow and I don't know why. Am I angry at him, for leaving me? Or am I angry because I can't stop the images of his dirty-blond curls hanging on his forehead as he sleeps soundlessly, his ocean-blue eyes locket on me while I talk, his strong arms holding... Oh for god's sake I have to stop this, who am I even kidding?

"Are you ready for tomorrow, Kid?" Alexis's voice interrupt my thoughts before I noticed his presence. "For what?" I ask confused which earns me a pair of rolling eyes. "G Sophia's wedding," he mocked "the grand opening day tomorrow, what else?" The fact that we finally were holding a big opening night at the restaurant tomorrow had slipped my mind although we have been preparing for it the whole week. "Yes I am as ready as I could be," I tell him with a hint of a smile on my face, and I'm not lying, it's true, I am excited and I have been all week because I finally felt that I had participated in something of use and that it was paying off. "Why does your face tell me otherwise?" He asks me while taking the seat beside me on the kitchen island. "I'm just tired, and I don't think I have to explain why, all our preparations for tomorrow weren't an easy thing to get done,"

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