Chapter 23

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I've been working for Alexis for a whole month and it's a complete disaster. I'm really thinking about quitting while hiding in the refrigerator room, freezing to death but still hiding from Alexis because he'll turn into the Hulk when he sees the pasta dish I accidentally burned. A dish that happens to belong to a couple of brothers that has been waiting for their food for about an hour because the restaurant is full-booked and all of the workers are running around in the kitchen like headless chickens. While you're hiding in here, my inner voice comes up, making me feel guilty. 

I can't even think of a concert reason as for why Alexis would hire me out of all the potential people that I'm sure would gladly work in a fine restaurant like his. It's almost ironic to think that I've been looking for jobs for months, going to job interviews, and getting a rejection via email or a call. They always thank me for my time and wish me luck on my search as they tell me something in the style that they don't need my assistants at the moment or that they're not looking for any workers currently. Wich I always found strange because I found the jobs in job advertisements. Anyhow the last thing I expected was for Miles to come to me and tell me that Alexis wants me to work for him on the one thing that I absolutely sucked at, cooking. 

I questioned Miles for about a whole hour when we went to bed that day, but he claimed that he had no idea and told me that he thought I should accept the offer because it would benefit both Alexis and me. Simply because I was in search of a job and he for an employe. And even as I told him that I was unsure about it because I'm really not qualified for the job. And by the way, Alexis has talked about his employees during the few times I've met him I can tell that he expects more than I can do. And I couldn't have thought more wrong. The man doesn't expect more than I can do. He expects more than any human being can do. He expects perfection, that's what I've come to realize during this horrifying month. 

"Which of you idiots messed up this time?" omg he must have seen the dish. "I can smell something burned, common where is it?" Alexis asks impatiently. I can see the image in my head where all of the sixteen workers in the big kitchen leaving whatever is in their hands when hearing Alexis's complaining voice. "Tha pasta dish? Who burned it?" his voice is louder. I think he might murder me today. "It was Nova, Chef" a confident voice informs him. Dimitri, that rat ratted me out. I've never liked him. And I don't think that any of my other coworkers do either. He sees himself as better than any of us, always trying to boss us around when Alexis isn't working and always doing things to butter for Alexis. I think he's trying to take Marry's place as a second-place chef, which is a step lower than Alexis's role in the restaurant. Well, he would need a lot of luck to succeed in that because Marry is really good at her job. The only reason Alexis has to ever get angry with Marry is when she defends one of us when we make mistakes in the kitchen, and that is really rare to have Alexis's approval. So I guess that I could say that old aunt Marry is perfect. 

The doors to the ice-cold room bust open, "How did you manage to burn the pasta?" he asks with the burned dish in his hand. "Wait, what are you even doing in here?" he continues without letting me answer his previous question which I'm grateful for because I really don't know how I managed to burn it. But is this question really that easy to answer tough? What am I supposed to say? Well, I burned the pasta and then hid here because I didn't want to witness you turning into a big green monster because of me. He's already furious so I have to be careful with every word I choose to say. "Are you hiding?" 

"Yes- I mean no, no" I've not wanted to disappear as much as I do right now for a long time. "Is it going to be a yes or a no? Never mind it's obvious, anyway. You're hiding. But from what? Or should I ask from who?" I can't help but wonder if this man is aware of how intimidating he gets when someone messes up in the kitchen. Alexis is really one of the sweetest and funniest people I've ever met. He's the sarcastic friend who manages to fit in a joke in any conversation, even if it's a serious or sad one. But that man I just described is Alexis outside of the restaurant. In the restaurant, during working hours there is just a little tiny glips of that man. That's until he gets frustrated, like now where every bit of his sweetness just disappears. 

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