Chapter 11

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"We've been waiting for the drink for a long time you idiot," Miles responds to the tall, charismatic man standing beside us. I kick Miles on one of his legs under the table and give him an angry look because he is being disrespectful. "You could be a little more polite, don't you see how many people there are here, the poor waitress probably has so much to deal with," I try to whisper in a low voice but the man manages to hear me. "You mean chef, chef Alexis," he says as he lifts my hand to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on it with his warm lips. "Get your hands off of her if you want to get home with that beautiful nose of yours."

My first reaction is to look at Alexis' nose and it confirms what Miles just said, Alexis does have a perfect nose. The second reaction was getting up when I realized that Miles had left his seat and walked up to Alexis. "Miles what are you.." and then they hug each other. It felt odd to see Miles hug somebody, I wasn't used to it. When he and I hung out it would always just be the two of us and he bearly hugs me either except when he wanted to comfort me or feels like I really need it.

"She is very beautiful," Alexis's beautiful voice interrupts my thoughts. Everything about him is perfect, I almost think he is a greek god. You could almost say that he is an Achilles but with dark brown hair that matches his very green eyes, and his voice is soft with a masculine touch that soothes your heart like an instrument. 

I look up at them when I feel four eyes on me. "Miles told me you were beautiful but I've always questioned his taste in women, not that he's been with any, but you're really breathtaking may I say," and there it is, his charm is yet another sign of him being a greek god. "This is Alexis, Nova, my best friend that I told you about earlier," finally all the pieces stick together in my brain.

"Hello, I'm Nova," I take my hand out and he takes it for a shake. "It's really nice to finally meet someone in Miles's life, I really started thinking that I was his only friend and that's why he sticks with me," Alexis laughs an honest laugh at my half-true joke. Sometimes I really thought that Miles only stood out with me because he had no other friends.

"The two of you really make a nice couple and I know you're having a date and it's supposed to be private and all of that shit, but would you mind if I joined you? I really need a break from those idiots that are waiting for me in the kitchen," he takes a chair and takes a seat without waiting for an answer from us. 

"Alexis I've already told you, we are friends and this is not a date," Miles says annoyed as if he had already repeated himself several times. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say, big boy. I just need to hang around for a bit because if I get in there now I'm coming out as a criminal because I'm about to kick some ass. They really can't do anything right," he complains while pouring himself a glass of the wine that he brought. I look at Miles, he looks half glad to see his friend but half annoyed too. Alexis then looks at us from the corner of his glass and almost spits his drink out, "Don't be shy kids, take a seat."

Miles and I sit on each side of Alexis with him being between us. "Why are you looking so sour, big boy? Is it because I interrupted your date?" Alexis jokes as he purrs a glass of wine for Miles while Miles ignores him and takes a sip of the drink. "Come on, stop being so serious and open up your mouth, the food is on daddy today," he tries to feed Miles like a three-month-old baby, and I can't help but laugh thinking about how different they are. While Miles liked to joke sometimes and had dark and sarcastic humor, Alexis seemed to be the kind of person that did not take anything seriously and would joke all the time making people around him laugh. How could Miles Possibly not laugh?

"What a stubborn baby," he puts the fork down continuing to play the role of a disappointed dad as he shakes his head. "How do you stand eating with this thing," I really like how he's talking about Miles like he isn't sitting right beside us. For the sake of fun and to annoy Miles I join him. "Well, what other choice do I have?  You know that heart of mine feels sorry for everyone, I couldn't just leave him alone."

"How many times have I told you to stop feeling sorry for people? He's not worth it, believe me, just drop him already."

"Are you two idiots done?" Miles says putting his empty glass on the table. "Chef your cake, it's..." an old woman says out of breath like she has been running towards us. "What? What is with my cake, Marry?" Alexis gets up. "I.. I think Edward burned it," the woman seems almost scared. "You literally had ONE job, and that was to stay away from the cake. I had it on a perfect temperature how could that maniac have burned it?"

"He said that it would never get done if it was on that low temperature, I told him to leave it alone but he wouldn't listen to me and raised the temperature."

"And that's why I wanted to fire him long ago but you told me to give him a chance. Does he really think that he knows more than ME? I, that has a whole degree in cocking, pardon me who am I? Edward knows better than me, he has been working here for three months after all," he says as he raises and drops his hands. He then leaves us without saying anything, probably because he was too frustrated to think about it and I can't hold back my laugh when I look at Miles and see that he also is holding it back.

"He's quite the guy, isn't he?"

"I really liked him."

"Well I don't know if we will get to see him again today, and if we happen to see him he would probably just cry about his workers to us and give us a massive headache so the best thing we could do is leave if you feel ready, Sunshine."

"Yeah I think it's time to head home, we've had quite the day," Miles leaves money on the table before we get out of the restaurant and head for the and drive home.

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