Chapter 15

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It's been a week since Miles and I shared our first kiss, and then our second and last kiss the day after. I've been on my nerves ever since because we still haven't talked about it although we spent the whole week together sick at Miles place ordering take-out food and binge-watching Anne with an E. 

I got to my place just about two hours ago and all I've been thinking about is our relationship. Both the kisses were breathtaking and I think that they may have meant more than they should have to me. But did they matter to him too? Or was it just a one-time thing, inspired by the position we found ourselves in?

I've tried to bring it up with him many times but I chickened out every time because I wasn't ready to take the risk and spoil our relationship in case the kiss didn't mean anything. And if there is the slightest possibility that the friendship doesn't come to ruin I may just embarrass myself if I show that I cared about something he was just playing around with. 

Besides if it really meant anything why is it that I have to be the one to bring it up first why doesn't he do it? Oh just fuck this shit really. Who cares about the kisses and what they meant to who? I need to get over this, for now at least because it is very urgent that I get up and start getting ready for the dinner that Miles and I are having at my parent's place.

I really hope that it goes well. We were supposed to have dinner with them last week but both Miles and I were sick so we had to cancel. My mother didn't believe me when I told her that we were sick, she thought that we didn't want to come and got offended. But after hearing my terrible voice and Miles's sneezes she was convinced that we didn't come up with an excuse in order to not visit, so we just rescheduled the dinner for today. 

I glance at the clock and realize that I have to hurry because it's just an hour left before Miles comes and picks me up so I get up and hop into the shower.

Usually, I prefer to go with straight hair but because I don't have time to straighten it right now I just go with my natural curls. I get into a conflict with myself, struggling to choose between wearing a cute dress or going with a simple t-shirt with jeans. We're just going to my parent's place and then back home, but Miles will be there too which makes me wanna look nice. I'm used to wearing whatever comfy clothes I have around Miles but I don't feel like that anymore. I mentally curse myself for thinking about Miles again, damn this stupid crush.

I lay an eye on the pink floral dress that I bought a month ago and never got the chance to wear and decide that it is perfect for tonight, convincing myself that I chose the dress because I wanted to look good for myself and not to impress Miles. And also to only look good for myself I went with a simple makeup look consisting of foundation, concealer to hind my dark circles from the lack of sleep because of my sickness the last week, blush to bring life to my pale face, and pink eyeshadow to match my dress.

 As I open my closet to get a little bag that fits my phone and keys the doorbell rings. "I'm coming," I scream at the door assuming that it is Miles that's waiting for me to come out. "Come on, Sunshine, we're gonna be late and you know your mother is going to blame that on me," the sudden voice makes me jump in my place and drop both my coat and bag to the floor. I always manage to forget that he has a spare set of keys to my apartment. 

"Miles, you can't just walk in like that! What if I was naked?" my body temperature rises at the thought of Miles walking in on me while I'm naked. "I wouldn't complain, Sunshine." Did he just wink at me after saying that or I'm I being delusional? I need to get out of here ASAP.

"Stop babbling, didn't you just say that we're running late? Come on get out!" I force him out of my room by pushing him and he doesn't make it hard for me by resisting. "I guess I'll wait for you in my car then."

"That would be perfect."

"You have two minutes, one second over those two minutes and I'm leaving you and eating dinner with your parents alone."

"Yeah, sure because you would love to have dinner with my mother who happens to love you so much, all by yourself," a giggle leaves my mouth. "At least she's more bearable than a stressed-out version of you."

"Oh you take that back," my mother can be a real pain in the ass, mostly towards Miles, so him not just comparing me with her but telling me that she's more bearable is a great insult. By the smile he puts on his face before leaving for his car I can tell that his goal was to make me feel insulted.

I hurry to put my shoes and coat on before locking the door behind me and getting into Miles's car. "I was just about to leave," he informs me. "Just shut up and drive," is all he gets from me for the whole car ride because I really don't want to risk any uncomfortable situations right before I arrive at my parent's house. "At your commands," he utters sarcastically. My hand reaches out to the radio to play some music in order to avoid any conversation without having a stiff atmosphere between us during the ride.

After what felt like an internity we finally arrived, without uttering as much as a word to each other. Before I got out of the car I felt the need to address some things. "Hey, I know my mother has always been rude to you even if you think that I haven't noticed, trust me I have been paying attention to it all along. It really is very nice of you to still come along," a warm smile is the first response I get. "Any time, Sunshine," the feeling of a warm hand on mine gives me chills that flow up my neck. I look down at the view of our hands entwined together and get the familiar urge to meet his lips with mine. Mentally I slap myself out of it and pull my hand back. "We should go in."

My father is the one that greeted us at the door and welcomed us inside. Mother was in the kitchen preparing drinks while the food was ready and set on the table where dad told us to sit down. "We can sit down she's almost done," in that same second my mother walks in with a brick of lemonade glasses in her hands. "Hello Nova, Miles, how lovely to have you here again."

"Hello Mrs, it's been quite a while, hasn't it?" Miles greets my mother before I get the chance to do it as he takes a sip of the lemonade that my mother just put in front of him. "Yes, it must surely have," are they being nice to each other? "Please begin your meal," my father points at the food, offering us to start eating and everyone starts digging into different plates on the table.

The first period of our meal went very well. My mother and I mostly sat silent while listening to the conversations between Miles and dad about everything from war to soccer games. But I guess being quiet was too boring for my mother's taste. It's not my mother's intention to stir things up, or at least so I would like to think, but every time she speaks something must go wrong.

"So, Miles. What do you do for a living?" she asks, looking sharply into Miles's eyes. I noticed that they have been sharing odd looks with each other the whole time while eating. "I publish books," wow who would've thought that my mother would help me get those things out of Miles? "Is that all? Publish books? How do you afford that penthouse and the expensive car of yours by 'publishing books'?"

"I'm the vice-CEO of the company I work in," he says as it is the most ordinary thing there is while cutting throw his meat, not giving it the big importance that it has. "Omg are you serious? That's really awesome Miles!" I couldn't resist expressing my pride in him. "Wait so you mean you didn't even know where this man works?" my mom gives me an unpleased look. "Do you even know anything about him or did you just let him sneak into your room at night and sleep beside you as the stranger he is?" she continues "What?" I hiss at her in surprise.

"Oh dear, you thought I didn't know? I saw him climb into your window one time when I went to the kitchen to get some water." she laughs. "What are you two even?" the uncertainty awakes in my body, creeping into my heart and seating like a big cloud of emotions, making it hard to swallow or think straight. I don't even know the answer to that question myself and I don't want to answer it before being sure of what Miles thinks too. As I feel myself sink into my own thoughts a warm hand on my lap brings me back to reality. "We are a couple, as in boyfriend and girlfriend. And Nova will be moving into my house very soon too actually," I am what?

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