Chapter 20

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"Wake up princes before I wake you up with another kiss" are the words that wake me up, coming from Alexis who's trying to wake Miles up. I open my eyes and see Alexis leaning over a deeply asleep Miles. "Good luck with getting him to get up," I tell Alex in my still sleepy voice. I turn around to check the clock to find a reason for why I'm still this tiered, and there it is, it's still six o'clock in the morning, too early for my taste, especially today because I had a really long day yesterday day and didn't go to bed until very late. My gaze travels back to Alexis who still struggles to get Miles to wake up, "why are you up so early?" I ask him. His eyes remain focused on Miles as he talks to me "Unlike you people, I actually have a business to run" he says, shaking Miles's shoulders, "Would you wake up already, the breakfast is getting cold"

"Mhmhm" Is the only sound that leaves Miles's mouth. Alexis's mentioning of the word breakfast makes me notice a tasty smell that invades my nostrils making my mouth water longing to taste it. "You made breakfast?" I question him to make sure that he really got up this early and made us food. "Didn't I just say the word 'breakfast'? And can't you smell the scent of it?" he answers me with his own question. "Yes, of course, I do, it smells amazing, but I figured that you maybe ordered food."

"What makes you think that a talented chef like me would ever order some junk?" he finally leaves Miles alone and looks in my direction instead while crossing his arms across his chest, probably offended by my thoughts. He must be very protective of his profession. "It's just that it's very early"

"It's never too early for cooking kid, now get your ass up because there is no way you're eating a cold omelet and no food of mine goes to waste," he marches over to me and drags me up from bed by my arms and then leads me into the toilet. "I'll give you five minutes to wash your face, pee, and brush your teeth. After those five minutes, I'll expect your ass at the table in the kitchen," and then smack, he closes the door, leaving me to finish up in those five minutes he gave me so that's what I do.

"I love you Miles" I hear a funny voice utter as I hurry out of the toilet holding a towel to my wet face. Shoving the towel away I find Alexis leaning over Miles again, but this time his actually flirting with a half-asleep Miles with a pretend feminine voice. "I love you too, Sunshine" Miles utters with a hoarse voice, eyes still closed. So this is what it's about, Alexis is pretending to be me. "If you don't get up now then I promise you that I will never ever have sex with you again," Alexis whispers to Miles, and in a second without even opening his eyes Miles drags Alexis down to his height on the bed and kisses him hard on the mouth.

This is nothing like the soft innocent 5fth-grade kiss they shared last night, this is a passionate one, truly meant for me. The next thing I know Miles has pushed Alexis away and jumped out of bed, probably because he realized that it wasn't me he was kissing. The laughter takes over and I find myself sinking to the floor holding my stomach as I enjoy it. "Damn man, if I knew that kiss was all it would take to get you up I would've kissed you again." Miles's gaze travel from the wall to Alexis so fast that I almost thought his neck would snap. "Again? What do you mean 'again'?" Alexis puts his hands on his heart as I answer "Omg, you forgot our first kiss, how could you princess?"

"Stop fucking calling me princess. What first kiss?"

"Now you're really hurting my feelings, Princess."

"Alexis, I'm not joking so stop fooling around or I might kill you,"

"You asked me to kiss you last night and I gave you what you asked for," Miles places his hands on each side of his waist as he turns his gaze and laughs before looking back at Alexis "Bullshit, stop bullshiting me, Alexis."

"I'm not. You begged me to kiss you as you told me that you're the princess and I'm your prince." I turn to look at Miles that's standing with a hand on his mouth, too stunned to even speak. "Common man, it was a really good kiss, girls would pay what you got for free yesterday. Ah, and I even made you after-care breakfast instead of leaving you after our kiss last night." Alexis says as he starts walking towards the door. "What can I say, mommy really raised a gentleman," he adds with his back facing us. "I'm gonna destroy that smug greek face of yours," Miles exclaims as he starts chasing Alexis around the house, making me laugh even harder until my eyes start to fill up with tears.

We finally end up on the kitchen island, eating the omelets that turned could as Miles chased Alexis around the house for twenty minutes until I interfered and managed to calm him down. "Look now, my fine omelets have turned to disgusting cold ones, how do we eat them now?"

"They're still very tasty Alexis," I assure him. "Not as tasty as they would be if your little boyfriend would have chased me around the house like a cat trying to catch a mouse," he complains as he stabs his food with a fork. "I wouldn't have chased you if you'd have held your hands to yourself," Miles answers, ready to stand up and begin the chase again, but I put my hand on his which calms him down again. I hurry to change the subject before this escalates again because as much as I enjoyed it I can't risk Miles hurting Alexis because he is really pissed. "Why do you even have to be at your own restaurant this early? I mean you're your own boss, you can go whenever you feel like it and you have people working there so why not sleep a little more and go later?" I ask which sets off a frustrated Alexis. "People working there? Do you think those people are capable of working? If I don't supervise them 24/7 trust me that kitchen would be burned down to the floor," and there he goes off again, complaining about his employees, which makes me chuckle because in those few times I've spoken with Alexis he's always managed to complain about them and that's kind of adorable.

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