Chapter 12

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"What are you looking at?" Miles's interruption makes me realize that I've been staring out my car window for a while now. "Oh, nothing, I just got lost in my thoughts." Miles turns his eyes from the road and looks out my window to find an answer by himself. "Is it the playground? Did it remind you of something?" he asks me as if he is able to read my thoughts.

"I just came to think about how I, as a kid always wanted to play outside with Sirius but he would always prefer to play with his friends. And because he was my only friend back then I didn't spend much time out there swinging on the swings or sliding down the slides," as a habit, I play with my fingers and laugh a nervous laugh to hold my tears back. 

"It's not that I hold a grudge against him for that. It just reminded me of one time when I told Sirius about it as a joke and ended up making him feel bad," I start feeling the tears warm up in my eyes. "He then promised me that he would take me to any playground I would like and that we would play until I couldn't stand on my feet. I just laugh at him and brushed it off because it felt childish, but it really made me happy and I felt excited," I pause as a sob escapes me. "But we never got the chance to do it, unfortunately," I wiped my tears off before I look at Miles as he meets my eyes.

"If you wanna play then we're gonna play," he says before making a turn and parking the car near the playground we passed a minute ago. "C'mon don't you wanna play? I'm sure Sirius wanted you to play but he didn't demand that you play with him specifically and no one else, plus I also feel like playing," he states before leaving the car and heading towards the slide. I watch him for a spare second before I too leave the car and follow him.

"You know I was afraid of slides when I was younger," he tells me from the top of the slide. "This one doesn't seem to be that high so it shouldn't be a problem though," he continues, making me glance at the slide and decide for myself that it is quite high. "I didn't think you were scared of anything," I can't help but laugh at the thought of Miles being afraid. "Was afraid as in past tense, Sunshine."

"You know there is nothing wrong with being afraid, Miles. Everybody is afraid of something," I can't help but tease him. "I am not scared," he repeats. "Do you want me to come up there and hold your hand as we slide down together?"

"You are so gonna regret this if you don't stop teasing," he threatens me. "Yeah, as if you can get down from there without pissing yourself," my eyes roll as I challenge him. "I warned you," is the last thing he adds before sliding down at full speed. As I understand that he would start chasing me I start running around the whole park with him behind me. "You can't escape your punishment, Sunshine, just give up."

"If you know me a tinnie bit then you also know that I don't like to surrender voluntarily, until the last minute," I'm already out of breath as I speak which makes me make a mental note for myself that I have to start running every morning again. 

It's very hard to see in the dark night which makes me stumble on a bransh and fall to the ground. Shortly after, Miles falls on top of me because he didn't slow down on time. "Look, I got you after all and now you are going to pay," his fingers start moving all over my stomach and under my armpits as he tickles me, making me even more breathless out of laughter than I was when I was running. 

"Tell me you're sorry if you want me to stop," he demands. "Never," I manage to say. "Then this is going to be a long night I guess" I can feel the cramps in my stomach as he continues to tickle me. "Okay, okay! Stop! I surrender," I finally manage. "Wrong words,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for teasing and making fun of you," and he finally stops. As I think that I can fill my lungs with air for good now that he has stopped the view on top of me, his face being so close to mine I run out of breath again. I can feel his warm breath on my face as he comes closer, holding both of my arms in one hand, and putting them above my head. "You don't like to surrender, Sunshine, but remember that I never, and I mean ever, lose," the scent of fresh mint hits my nose as he parts his lips. We stay in our exact same position, both out of breath, for what feels like just a few seconds. 

"I stopped tickling you about three minutes ago, Sunshine, why are you still breathing that fast?" now boy was wrong, we didn't stay like that for seconds but minutes. Maybe it had felt like seconds because I liked it and couldn't get enough of it.  I can't think straight anymore. If I were a teenager I would blame my desire on my unsteady hormones. 

My lips are craving his and my hands long to play with that fuzzy blond hair of his. "Are you going to say something?" he asks. "You're not mad, are you?" I begin to make him nervous too, maybe for a whole other reason but still. My next step wasn't planned, it was my desire taking control of me, making me lift my head up, part my lips, and meet his with a quick kiss.

The feeling of desire changes to nervousness and regret when he stares at me without saying anything. How could I possibly think that this was going to turn out well? I have most surely just lost my best friend because I couldn't control myself. 

As thoughts of regret fill my head I feel the now familiar warm lips on mine, again. He returns my kiss with an even more passionate one, taking my breath away from me once again. And as if it was planned to be a cheesy romantic movie it started raining in the middle of our steamy kiss.

"I think we should head home," I suggest in between the kissing, as it is the most reasonable thing to do right now. He breaks the kiss and looks down at me, leaving me squirm with the everlasting desire his kiss had left me with. "We still haven't tried the swings."

"But it's raining."

"Doesn't matter. We came here to play and play we will do," I get a whiplash when he gets on his feet fast and drags me with him to the swings, making me run. "Now you sit and I swing," I do as he says. "And I sure hope you're not afraid of going high because I'm going to swing you as high as I can until you fall off."

"No, Miles. Please no," but I was too late to protest because he had already started swinging me high. "Too late, Sunshine," and here I am, swinging high in the rainy weather, feeling like a free bird, flying to the high skies to escape the world.

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