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‟The things you hide
In your heart..
Eats you alive

Jeon Jungkook's Pov

After the first three boring lectures were over, it was finally lunch time. I was sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria minding my own business. I don't have any friends to talk with, No one in the school wants to be friends with me, who would ever want to be friend with a freak like me? Being mateless these days is considered a curse, a curse which I am suffering from.

I always sit in the corner of the cafeteria because it is the only place I am safe from bullies. Bullies are big meanies! Always beat me up for nothing and even the principal don't do anything about it. I don't have any money to buy food, just a few dollars which I used to buy banana milk. I don't like eating anyways, I'm fat and disgusting. Eating will only make me fatter. It's good that I don't have a mate, who would even want such an ugly omega like me as their mate. Of course, no one.

I was sitting in the corner trying to make myself as invisible as possible, drinking my banana milk peacefully when a sweet scent of wet mud and lavender filled my nostrils. It was so strong that I just wanted to roll in that scent all day. My mind went blank, I was trying to think where this sweet scent was coming from but suddenly, a light bulb went off in my mind. Is this what a mate smells like? Do I have a mate?

I jumped from my seat and looked around the room frantically, trying to find the source of the sweet scent when my eyes landed on two really handsome boys. One of them was looking at me with wide eyes. I felt a sting on my arm, I quickly looked at my arm and saw two mate marks appearing on my arm. One was a tiger and one was a red rose, they were beautiful. My heart started beating loudly in my chest and my breath hitched. Are mates.....?

Mates! Not one but two!

Hope filled me as I looked at them, waiting for them to make a move but they were just standing there looking at me. Will they take me away from dad? Will they stop him? Will they love me? Will they help me? Will they hate me? What if they rejected me.. I'm ugly and a rogue and they are so handsome like Greek gods. I'm nothing in front of him.

Negative thoughts started filling my mind when I saw the smaller one of those two boys started walking towards me, making me panic. My heart was beating like crazy, suddenly I felt like I couldn't breathe. The other boy also started walking beside the smaller one. As they were coming close to me, their scent was getting stronger and stronger, it was getting overwhelming. It felt like I couldn't breathe, I tried to suck in a breath but it was getting too much.

Black dots started filling my vision. The last thing I heard was a deep voice before I blacked out.


Kim Taehyung's Pov

After Jimin and I smelled that sweet scent, a mate mark appeared on our arms. We were looking around trying to find the cause of that scent when I saw Jimin staring at someone, I followed his line of vision and my eyes landed on a cute bunny-like boy. He was also looking at us with his big doe eyes.

Is he out mate? He's quite cute to be honest. I won't mind him being our mate.

Jimin started walking towards the boy without even looking at me. I decided to follow him and we both started walking towards the bunny boy.

His eyes got wider which made him look more cute. Is it even physically possible to have these big eyes? As we keep going closer, his scent was getting stronger and stronger. Sandalwood and baby powder, so sweet.

When we finally reached the boy, I noticed that his eyes were getting unfocused and he started swaying, indicating that he was about to faint.

I cursed under my breath and quickly sprang into action when I saw the boy falling. I wrapped my arms around his tiny waist and he fainted into my arms. Jimin gasped when he saw the boy fainting.

"Oh fuck, I didn't knew our scent is that strong that he will faint" Jimin muttered. "We are true blood alphas, Jimin and he's an omega, so obviously it would be too much for him" I informed making him roll my eyes and mumble a small 'whatever'.

"Alright, now what are we going to do with him, we don't even know his name and where he lives," he said. My eyes turned to the cute boy in my arms. His eyes were closed and small breaths left his cherry lips which were looking so kissable.

Not the time Taehyung. I scolded myself.

"I don't know Jimin, he's our mate, should we take him home?" I asked. "Now? Don't you think RM hyung would be mad at us for leaving the college in between" he asked hesitantly while looking at me.

"I don't think he will mind seeing an unconscious boy with us who is our mate" I deadpanned, making him pout. "By the way, this boy is so cute and looks so innocent, but we should not trust him this soon. You do know how many enemies we have, we don't even know anything about him yet" I said, making him nod his head in agreement.

"Yeah, who knows if he's from our enemy pack or something, we need to keep an eye on him and find out who he is" Jimin replied as I picked the boy up bridal style. He was as light as a feather making me wonder if he even ate something or not.

We both turned around and saw the whole cafeteria was looking at us, their eyes were wide and were whispering to each other, seeing the doe-eyed boy in my arms.

"Mind your own business bitches" Jimin growled, making some of them flinch and they all looked away. Cowards.

We started walking towards our car but were stopped by the principal. I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

"Where do you think you are going boys?" the principal asked, trying to look intimidating but he was just looking like an idiot. We both ignored the stupid man and continued to make our way out.

We looked back and saw his face was turning red with embarrassment and anger making us both snicker. This is fun

We went to our separate cars. I put the bunny boy in the backseat and buckled him up. He looked so adorable. I also went to the driver seat and started driving towards our home.

Hopefully, everything will be ok.


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