Chapter 2 - Shipping

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Mabel's POV

I really enjoy Dipper's company. He really knows his words. And it worked for me, personally. I felt a little bit better but no one can ever convince me that I'm not silly. I know I am, that's just who I am. Pacifica was right, yet she shouldn't have said that. The worst part is she said it in front of a crowd and the town folks laughed at me. I'll never forget this day.

"Pacifica! Why does she think that being related to the town founder means she can treat everyone like garbage. Someone needs to take her down a peg." Dipper said to me. Gee, she really cares for me and I get it. He's just being a good bro and he's kind of right. She shouldn't just treated me like garbage but still, she's right.

Then he gasped and looked at his journal. It's like he's trying to find something very important. I also looked at what he's trying to look for to not feel curious about it.

"Wait a minute! I feel like I read something about Pacifica's great-great grandfather before." He continued to search to his journal.

"Of course! Oh, this is perfect." Okay, he found what he's looking for and it seems like Pacifica's great grandfather is involved to it.

"In my investigations... Should- should I do the voice?" He tried to make his voice deeper but he can't really do it.


"I'll just read... normal." Then he started to read it.

"In my investigations I recently made a discovery. Nathaniel Northwest may not be the true founder of Gravity Falls! I believe this secret is emburied somewhere on the enclosed document. If only I could crack the code." He opens the document, revealing a complex series of letters, symbols and words.

"Oh, man! If this cover-up is true, it means Pacifica's whole family is a fraud. This could be a major conspiracy! I've got to investigate this!" I can see that he's trying his might to help me but in my opinion' we shouldn't waste our energy to this mystery. Pacifica isn't really worth it.

"You know what? It's really not worth it. Pacifica was right and I deserve that." I confessed.

"No you don't." He denied but I know to myself that it's true. I deserved to be treated like a silly girl should be treated as such. Cruelty.

"No really. It's okay. You don't have to pity over me. I know I'm silly. The sweater says it all." I assured him that only "the dog playing basketball" sweater that I have proves that I'm silly.

"Alright. But if it makes you feel better, I hate Pacifica now." Hey. He shouldn't hate Pacifica because of me.

"You don't have to hate her. You know I kind of ship you two." I confessed. It's true. They are a perfect match. Opposites attract and it seems like their perseverance can make their relationship work. If they would have.

"Why would you ever ship me with..her?" He asked and it's more of a disgusted tone. I really don't get Dipper. Besides from her personality, she's a great person. And we don't actually know Pacifica very well so it's best not to judge her completely.

"Come on. You two look perfect for each other and I know who matches with each other and who doesn't." I said.

"Are you some kind of matchmaker or something?" He asked and the answer is so obvious. Okay maybe not but I know what I ship and what I don't.

"No but I know you and Wendy aren't a match." I said and that made Dipper in denial.

"Hey now. I really like her."

"But my senses are tingling. You two are perfect for each-" I continued but he cut me off.

"Oh come on. Me and her? No way. And stop with the senses you have. You're just making that up and besides, I don't like a girl who is as boastful as her. Also I don't like her because she hurt your feelings." Seriously, he's so sweet that he cares. It seems like he's hurt more than I do. He's hurt because I'm hurt. It really is sweet.

"I really appreciate that you are being a good brother but my senses are always right. You two will be together in the near future."

"I guess I couldn't argue more if that's what you think and I admit, she's really cute but-" What?! Did he really just said that? Wha! Wha! I'm fangirling right now! Oh my gosh!

"Oh my gosh! You said she is cute. You like her!" i shrieked, not keeping the excited emotions to myself.

"No. I just said- I'm outta here. Just see you back in the shack or something." Oh I can see him blushing! Before I can even look closer at his blushed face, he ran as quickly as he can. I can really see them in a relationship. And oh great, now I'm a fortune teller.

"Cool. See you later." I managed to say without shrieking. But I can't really manage the feels right now! I decide to just keep in touch and think about the two in peace here at the statue of the founder. And I feel like Pacifica's bragging slowly is getting out of my head. What I'm thinking now is Dipper and Pacifica.

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