Chapter 6 - Simple Trip

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Dipper's POV

"S-Sorry again. That will never happen again. Promise." She stuttered, as she let go from the little hug. I may not be sure but I feel like my face is heating up.

"I'm going to go freshen up on the hut or something." She says, eyes sticked to the ground.

"Sure." She ran away as soon as she heard me say.

You know what? Pacifica is not that bad at all. Sure, she can be unabashed at times, but she's okay. I definitely corrected myself when I gave her negative criticisms to her personality. She's cool and turns out she's a great leader.

Because of her great leadership, we won the first challenge. If she continues to lead us, we'll win first prize for sure.

Mabel is on the blue team and they are not doing a good job. I blame their leader who shouts at his members every time he sees them do badly. What a leader he was! He's more short-tempered than Pacifica. No offense to her but seriously though.

I saw Mabel walking towards where I'm standing with a sad look. I can already see why she's sad which makes me sadden as well.

"We're at last place. I'm silly and now, I'm an underdog. I'm letting my team down." I pity her. She's discouraging herself that it makes her frustrate to her mistakes and disadvantages. It's just sad.

"Hey now. Don't be sad. It's not your fault, it's your leader's fault. He should be encouraging you and your teammates, not demotivate you."

"I guess so and what's demotivate?" I chuckled slightly at that.

"Decreasing the motivation of the group." I explained.


"I can see why you're winning now." She says and I know who she pertains to.

"Yeah. I have to thank Pacifica for that later." I remembered. I guess I should gave her a simple gratitude later or so.

"Oh. Ooh! I see where this is going. This is going to be the day or 'part' where you are going to think Pacifica is not that bad. Later on, you are going to hang out with her and then you are going to develop a crush on her! Ooh my ship! The feels! The feels!" She was 'fangirling' again. She's out of control when it comes to us. Every little thing that involves with me and Pacifica, she shrieks about her feels and such.

"It's not going to be like that. Believe me." I told her.

"You're just thinking that because you're in denial."

"Oh just stop it. The sun is going down. It's going to be dark soon." I closed the conversation and looks like she bought it as she just nodded at my statement.

We're just about to go to the hut when..

"This is Tyler! Meet up on the camp site." We heard Tyler say through a speaker attached to wooden posts.

So me and Mabel did as told. Once we get there, I saw Tyler and those other participants.

"Hello. So everyone's probably wondering or maybe not, where are you going to stay for the night. Well, to test your Pioneer Day spirit, we're going to camp outside."

"What!?" I heard Pacifica shouted.

"Yap. You heard me right."

"I-I thought this seminar is just about testing leadership and all that cheese. How is camping outside going to test leadership?" Pacifica continued.

"Well Pacifica, you might not know this but this is part of Pioneer Day and this day is about getting to live outside of modern style. Let's just say this is camping not a seminar. Your parents didn't make this, the town folks did so we do this seminar our way. Got it?"

"Got it clear."

"Good. You're free to do anything with nature. And.." Tyler pointed out.

"You have to share a tent with your teammate since there's only four tents enough for each team." What?! I'm not usually the one who argue over something. That's Pacifica's job but I'm not going to agree with what Tyler said. If that happens, I'm going to share a tent with Pacifica. My night will be nervous worthy rather than a relaxing one.

"I don't even know what to say about this." I said.

"Made you speechless, yes?" I just nodded.

"It's 7 pm so I guess it's time to eat. There's food on the hut and reminder, share it with your team. After you eat, go to your respective tent and go star gazing or something. And don't worry about creatures in the woods, we got it under control." Oh I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about sharing a tent with someone I don't like.

After a short meeting at the camp site, we all headed of to the hut and we saw barbeque and rice. A simple camp proper meal. Good enough for me.

The food are served on a picnic table. My team sat on the same table and picked our meal but someone refuses to.

"Oh gosh.. I'm not eating whatever this is." Pacifica said, disgusted and I rolled my eyes to that. Dipper, patience.

"Come on now. I know you're not used to this kind of food but you have no choice. In case you have food of your own, maybe." I showed kindness, patience and said.

"I haven't brought one."

"Then you have to eat." I told her politely.

"Fine." She closed her eyes as she tried to eat a roasted barbeque and later on she opened her eyes in delight.

"It's good." She said and I smiled.


We finished our free food and I cleaned the picnic table.

"We have to go to our tent now." I told them after.

"I can't believe I'm sharing a tent with someone, worse I'm going to share a tent with you." Pacifica said and I actually agree with her on that.

"Oh I can't believe it either but we have no choice." I told her.

"Better get going." She told me and so I did. We walked as I see a tentand then..

"Oh my g-" I looked at her since I heard her exclaimed. She lost her balance as I saw her trip on something. As fast as I could react, I grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling. It was just a semi hug.

"I got you." I whispered, with a worried tone. It took only seconds to realize that I'm still grabbing her waist.

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