Chapter 17 - Tie Game

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The Next Day

Dipper's POV

I woke up with Pacifica beside me. Unlike before, that cuddle incident, I decided to give her space as we sleep on the opposite side of the bed. I don't want things to be too... you know. But still, this is a nice feeling to have. I could get used to this, I thought.

Somehow, my mind is also telling me that we're going to be in huge trouble. Maybe, it's because of her staying here. Yeah, maybe that since... I don't know. Whatever the reason, I won't think about it for the mean time.

I placed my hand on my neck and it's still quite hot. And then I remembered..

"Pacifica! Wake up!" I patted Pacifica's shoulder, attempting to wake her up.

"What?" She said as she rubs her eyes, "Why?"

"I have a fever, and I can give you a cold too if you get close to me!" I said.

"I don't care."

"You know you're so sweet but seriously, we need to get up. It's Monday Movie Marathon today. Mabel's friends are coming." I told her. It's our usual activity on Mondays and she needs to join us.

She groaned then later on left my bed and so we went downstairs where we saw our Grunkle.

Stan glared at Pacifica, somehow a mixture of anger and curiousity.

"What is she doing here?" He spoke.

"Oh uhm.. She don't have a place to go and.." I said, stuttering and scratching the back of my neck.

"Like what? You mean she's homeless?" Grunkle Stan asked.

"Not exactly but.." I replied but he cut me off before I could even finish.

"Well, I'm okay with having her in the house but you have to figure out where she'll going to sleep."

"She could sleep in my bed and I could... lay a mattress and sleep on the floor. It's okay." I said as I gave Pacifica a reassuring smile.

"Well, okay then. But you know, she can't live with us forever."

"How about we eat breakfast first?" I suggested, quickly changing the topic.

"Sounds like a plan."

Me, Mabel and Pacifica started to our favorite cereal and it was surprising that she was satisfied with cheap cereals.

Quite surprising indeed.

And then we heard a knock in the door. Assumingly, it should be them.

"Oh Candy and Grenda are here!" Mabel blurted and ran to get the door. I peeked from the kitchen and saw that it was them.

"Hey guys!" Mabel greeted, "Ready for Monday Movie Marathon!?"

"Uhm.. You know what? Let's have a conversation first except you Pacifica. You okay with that?" I asked Pacifica.

"It's fine with me." She assured and continues to eat. And so I exited the kitchen and we huddled up in the living room so that I can say it privately without her knowing, yet.

"What is it bro bro?" Mabel asked and so I whispered my plan.

We went back to the kitchen after I was finished saying my plan to them. I didn't say it entirely but some of it though.

"Uhm.. Paz?" I called.

"What?" She asked in return.

"Wait, did you call me Paz?" I was preventing myself from laughing when she was oblivious for a couple of seconds.

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