Chapter 5 - Hug

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Pacifica's POV

That's just great. Things are going rough today. Going to a seminar that the objective is to do crazy stuff like climbing ropes and crawling in mud! Like what the heck. That's not even the worst part. The worst part is that me and the pine tree hat boy is on my team!

After all the participants are teamed up, Tyler decided to start the course already. The teams are all consists of five equally and my team is the worst. The two participants are sick and the boy that I hate so much acts like a noddle, I mean look at his noodle arms. The other one is okay and I wouldn't care to do this so my team will probably be a wreck.

"Okay. Let's start this! We have two courses. The first is the course consist of mostly ropes while the other consists of total mud and dirty stuff. We're going to try the first course." Tyler started.

"How are we going to do that?" I asked.

"Good question. Uhm.. All of the members on a specific team must all climb up and get down from the spider web-like knots. Then they must go to balance a tightrope and uhm.. yeah. That's about it, for now. I am going to time how many seconds you accomplished the course. The shortest time is the winner for the first game."

"First game!?" I asked, now surprised.

"Yes. There are one more after that and the next will be tougher."

"Oh gosh." I said to myself.

"You probably wondered how this thing is going to help you with leadership. Well, the team has to choose a leader and the leader has to lead their team mates. Are we clear now?"


"Let's start with the blue team." Tyler said then started counting down to zero before the blue team started off. I observed every team mates of the opposing team. And I have to say, they are off to a bad start. The leader was just shouting at his members since the members are really bad at climbing. Some are afraid of heights and some are just afraid to try. If I am the leader, I wouldn't yell though, I would encourage them rather than shouting at them. That would really boost their confidence.

Apparently, on the red team is the opposite. They managed to climb on the web ropes though. Next one is the tightrope. They also managed to balance on it after the few tries.

"Wow! 1 minute and 23 seconds. Okay next is the green team." What!? We are next? I'm so not going to try that. It's easy to imagine trying to do that but doing it will not be an easy thing to do.

"Oh Tyler I think my team can handle that so I guess.. I should l-let this game be played by them. I-I'd just watch.." I stuttered to find an excuse.

"No Pacifica. You joined so you have to participate."

"But.." I tried to argue but nothing came out of my mouth.

"Do it or else." This boy again. Ugh, trying to threaten me again.

"Threatening me won't help." I scoffed but he made a frowning face that was just frightening to watch so..

"Fine. I'll do it but this will not go well." I honestly spoke.

"Speaking of well, look at our two members. They aren't well. You think being in the higher class is an excuse for you to not join?" I looked at my two teammates. He's right. They are ill and they are willing to join. What he said, made some sympathy to build on my mind and so does conscience.

"Okay! Okay! I'll do it. But I should be the leader." I said then we got to the starting position.

"3..2..1..Go!" I started to climb first. I hesitated at first but I focused thinking about the time than my mixed feelings of being worried and afraid. I never once looked down when I was on the top and I hurriedly climbed down.

"Come on now! You can do it! Faster!" I cheered at my other teammates who were next to climb.

Once we all managed to climb to that, we ran into the next one. The tightrope which is really difficult to do because you might trip and fall really easily. Of course, as a leader, I let go off my inhibitions and do it anyway.

"Oh don't fall. Don't fall." I commanded the others. As a leader, that's what everyone should do. Cheer, encourage and most definitely lead them.

"You're in the lead with 52 seconds!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Yes we did it!" I was happy with that, so happy that I unexpectedly hugged the boy whom I never liked that much. Seconds later, I found out that it was inappropriate so let go.

"Uhm.. Could I pay you to pretend that never happened?" I asked without making any eye contact, and also handing him a dollar.


"Thanks noodle arms." I said.

"Yellow team. You're up." Tyler said but I ignored the game for a while to make a conversation with him.

"Hey. You don't know my name yet huh? I guess it's time to meet in a proper way." He said and I nodded.

"Hi! My name is Dipper Pines." He reached out his hand to shake with mine.

"My name is Pacifica Northwest. You probably heard about me because, oh right.. I'm popular."

"Where did you get that attitude from, Ms. Boastful?" He asked and I frowned at that.

"Where did you get that attitude from, Mr. Constellation?" I exchanged the favor. That was a really nice wordplay, Pacifica. I said to myself, as Big Dipper is a constellation.

"What do you mean by.. Oh, I get it. Nice play. Just an opinion but you should at least try to socialize with others without having a big head."

"What do you mean?" I asked, completely clueless.

"57 seconds! Nice try but the green is still in the lead!" Tyler shouted.

"Yes! We're winning! I think I can be really good on this course." I said to Dipper with full confidence that we're going to win.

"Big head again." Again, completely clueless.

"That was our last team so that means green team is the winner for this round!" Yes! Yes! Yes! Our team that I thought will be the underdog but is starting to win first place! Ooh I'm so happy I could hug someone.

"Yes!" I said and hugged the first teammate that I could find. And then I realized that who I was hugging is Dipper again.

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