Chapter 8 - Unwanted Hatred

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Pacifica's POV

"Oh can someone please just erase my memory now." I told myself. What happened earlier was embarrassing and hard to handle. Cuddling? Really Pacifica. Really!

"Unfortunately, that can't happen."

"N-No matter what happens, I will always hate you." I said.

"I hate you." I continued.

"I hate you more." He replied. That's better. It's easier to keep hating each other than having a tension between us.

"Let's go to the camp site." He said and then we both stood up and started to walk to the camp site.

"But you know, you're a really great cuddler." I told him, still walking. It took me seconds to realize what I just said. Why did you have to say that out loud?


"I-I kind of thought that you're just a pillow." Yes. I managed to find an answer as my excuse.

"So you're saying I'm soft?"

"Kind of. Yeah." I joked.

"Why would you say tha-"

"Ooh! Tyler is here!" I told him before he could finish reacting to what I joked earlier.

"Hello campers! Today is a new day and so a new challenge! You know the next course right?"

"You mean the mud course?" I asked, concerned.


"What? I haven't even showered! If I did, I would never crawl on mud! That's not my thing." I blurted out. This course is what concerns me the day I got into this program.

"Pacifica..." Tyler warned but I'm willing to be a hard head just to not join the course.

"No." I said.

"Pacifica!" Tyler shouted. Ugh.

"Fine!" I can't believe I just agreed to do this.

"Good. Now you need to wear these t-shirts and pants. I brought these for all the teams. Here's the red, blue, yellow and green."

"As I said, green is so not my color. But fine, I'll wear it." I said.

The girls got into the dressing room on the hut that I never thought we had. As for the boys, I don't know. The bathroom maybe. Anyway, after everyone has changed their clothes, we all walked to the camp site. As we got there, the boys are already suited.

"So, in this course, the team should step to the large vertical logs. All members should jump and pass all of them. If one falls or trips over, they don't just fall on ground but in mud! And everyone will suffer because they have to start all over again!" Tyler explained.

Oh gosh. This will be a messy disaster.

"Seriously Tyler. Who the heck builds this seminar?" I asked.

"The help of the town folks, including Lazy Susan, Deputy Derland, Sherriff Bluffs, basically almost everyone. Speaking of that, I brought a special guest. Everyone, meet Toby Determined." Then he showed his "special guest". I doubt he's special.

"Yay! I'm part of something." Toby said happily but I rolled my eyes to his stupid thought.

"Anyway, after that, the team has to crawl in mud and the team cannot cheat because there are wires to crawl through. After that, they have to swing on a rope tied to a tree over there. Twist again, they have to swing over a huge mud puddle. If someone ever lost their grip on the rope or may somehow fall, will turn into a dirty mess."

"Lastly, the leader and only the leader has to ran all the way over there and get their flag color. That will determine the time they finished the course."

Gee. Another responsibility for the leader. Well, guess what. More job for me.

"Again, the time the team got when they finished this course will be recorded. The team with the shortest time will win. Keep in mind, teamwork and leadership."

"Okay, red team. Let's start off with them. Toby, mind if you do the honors?" Tyler asked Toby.

"Of course. Okay red team. Ready.. Set.. Start!" As Toby said start, I can see the team already struggling. They are still on the balance stands and they can't finish because almost all failed to maintain their balance. And they tend to fall on mud. Seeing their team suffer makes me feel discouraged.

"I can't do that." I whispered to myself.

"Yes, you can. I have high hopes that you can do these kind of things." Dipper heard what I said, he held my hand, trying to encourage me. But I...

"I- No I can't. I'm out of here." I let go of Dipper's hand and ran away.

"Pacifica!" Dipper shouted but I didn't look back.

I continued running away, not turning back on everyone. I just want to get out of this place. I can't do this program. I just can't.

After minutes of running, I found myself lost. I don't know the way out of the woods. But I wasn't scared, I was confused. Why exactly did I left my team? Why did I left Dipper alone?

I sat on a log, thinking about what I left. Then I heard running footsteps, and it sounds like it's coming near. I thought it was a monster coming back, but what came was more unexpected than that. It was Dipper.

"Hey Pacifica. I know you can't handle that kind of course but I know you can do it. You're just isn't confident that's why you back out at some situations you can't handle."

"No I mean, it's because of the mud. That's not my thing at all." I replied. I heard an irritated sigh from him before saying...

"You know what Pacifica, I'm tired of you for not even trying. Look at Rhea and Lea, even if they're ill, at least they try. You? What's your excuse. Oh right. That's not your thing." The more he says like that, the more I was filled with conscience. I haven't thought about it that way. Gee.

"You know Pacifica, since last night I thought you are not what everyone thinks you are. Last night when you tried to eat a cheap barbeque, you tried to star gaze out in the woods and actually sleeping in a tent, I thought you can try what a normal person can. I thought there's something good deep inside of you. Turns out I stand corrected." Then he left, his words leaving my heart cramp. Me and Dipper always fight in some way but he has never been this sincere.

Never once in my entire life have I cared about what other people say. But why do I feel like I don't want to keep this hatred between us anymore.

Wait. Do I want the opposite of that?

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