Chapter 27 - The News

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Candy's POV

I know what I said is bad, no one can deny that but I'm through being quiet just to keep me from not letting my emotions out.

'Cause not being flirty and girly is just so not me.

But on the other hand, I tried to keep that personality inside of me and not letting it out, 'cause someone might find out.

Only, Grenda knows I have a crush on Dipper.

But at the moment, I crushed her heart because I shouted at her. Never did I do that to her, well except now.

And so, I'm knocking outside her door to Grenda's house, hoping she would let me in. Which was shocking is that she did.

She let me sit on their sofa, and it was quiet at first but then she spoke..

"I know why you shouted at me and it's alright.." I was slightly shocked because I never knew she was that forgiving but then grinned because, I just have my best friend back easily.

"I knew you would understand." I said.

"You really know the feeling when a person doesn't like you back, do you?"

"I did." Yeah did because a handsome guy named Marius likes him and that apparently counts. But I just replied..

"You're so like me."

"Yeah but promise you won't do that again?" She asked.


"But Dipper's gone so there's no point of promising anyways.." I mumbled, part of it was for a reminder and a part of telling.

It's really sad to lose a friend and lose a crush at the same time. If I even consider Pacifica my friend.

"So.. What happened with you and Pacifica earlier?"

I froze, but ending up telling her every detail.


Pacifica's POV

"So like, he really left?"

"Afraid so."

And that was our last conversation together. It went weird after that. She was just sitting there, not even bothering to befriend me. Oh yeah, and when I thought we were friends, yet I stood there doing nothing, with a bewildered look in my face.

I really should be crying at that moment, because I just lost my boyfriend for crying out loud, we don't know if we're over or if Dipper gave up on us but I'm just guessing Candy wasn't going to comfort me or anything.

I didn't cry there, even I have the urge to.

So I cried in my room.

Yeah, I was in my room, thinking of Candy and what she said, what she shouted and the purpose of it.

Because, everything is made for a purpose.

Ever since I was a child, mom and dad being busy with their work for the mayor (which I don't know the name because it was to long), I wasn't sad. Because mom and dad had a purpose for their work and that was to take care for what I need and want.

So, curiosity built up my mind, thinking of what might be her purpose. Was it to tell a message? To tell her feelings?

Yeah, that was clear alright, but what's not is the message for what or more correctly, to whom? And if so, what is the message she wants to imply?

It all didn't make sense to me. If I just heard what she mumbled earlier, I might have known. But all I heard was..

"At least I'd make a bett.." Then after that she was just whispering to herself mostly. So I didn't get the possibly slightest hint I could find.

"Hey Paz.." I heard the door opened, basically face-palmed myself for not locking the door eventhough I knew I would fill a bucket with my tears.

It was mom and dad. They saw me, expressing my weakness. Dad was okay with me crying but mom hated it when I cry, because that's a sign of weakness or giving up. Mom wants me to be prideful, even in the things I couldn't do. She want's me to keep my pride high.

When I thought she's going to scold me for doing that, I froze up when she hugged me. Then I remembered, she's nice now.

"Do you need me to strangle her? I was a professional wrester in my days." She joked as she pulled away from the hug. I grinned widely, shook my head in amusement and saying..

"No thanks." Mom pouted at that. The sight wasn't cute which is funny because in my point of view, all people who pouts are cute but apparently not her.

"Mom, no offense but you're not cute when you pout." And so I said, hinting the tease in my tone.

"No offense, but I'm offended."

"You're still perfect to me." Dad leaned and pecked mom's chin for a quick kiss.

"Sickening to watch but.. satisfying, I guess." I said, being truthful about it. Because, let's be honest, seeing an old couple kiss is technically the best sight ever.

But yeah, they're my parents so..

"Hey.. Thanks for cheering me up." I said, eventhough a part of me is still hurt, there's also a part where I'm happy to know that my parents are actually connecting with me.

"Of course. Like I said, we want to make it up to you. Eventhough the ride earlier, apparantly was it but I know we can do better." Mom said.

"We'll always be for you no matter what." Dad added.

"Thanks mom. Thanks dad."

Then dad elbowed my mom, not in the way of hurting her side but just to signal her, as if they planned to see me and are getting ready to tell something.

"I'm just telling you that I uhm.. Me and Preston talked about this, for you to uhm.. We're just worried about this. I'm not sure if I-we can handle you going--"

"Go straight to the point dear.." Dad implied.

What is it? I'm getting baffled and I don't have a clue what's going on. I was just crying in misery, then the next thing I know mom and dad went in my room to tell something I know is important.

The news can be anything. It might be good, it might be bad. For all I know, I might be going to a seminar for sending aliens space food or something. You'll never know.

I was lost in thoughts because of curiosity when mom spoke..

"You're going to.."

Oh. My.

The last word in her sentence that she said might become the reason for my death.


Cliffhanger! What do you think her mom said and where she'll go to? Vote, comment and follow! :)

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