Chapter 21 - The Best of Me

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Pacifica's POV

"O.M.G." I whispered. "We're caught."

"What the f!?" My mom exclaimed.

We're finally caught red handed but..

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

Seriously, I know she's mad but at least don't use an expression like that.

"Again.. What the f!?" Because of that, she made me roll my eyes mentally. "Pacifica!? Why is your boyfriend here? What are your plans?"

"N-Nothing ma'am." Dipper answered for me.

"You clearly are going to escape again, am I right?" Again, mentally rolling my eyes here.

"Give me a reason not to." I replied.

"You there.. Dipper. Get in here." My mom was clearly referring to Dipper who is idiotically climbed up the window to get here and who is still on the window panes.

And so Dipper did what is told. Now, he walked and stood beside me. I could see he's trembling in fear. Who wouldn't though?

"Preston!" My mom shouted downstairs to call dad.

"Down here!" Dad shouted back.

"Come with me to the living room. Me and Preston are going to have a talk with you."

Oh no.

Based on my past experiences, the living room is another term of the 'hot confrontation room' for me. Me and mom always quarrel in there and never did we settle peace.

Fight, quarrel.., other term for fight and that's all we do.

Never did I have a mutual understanding with my mom. Or on second thought, I do. But that was a long time ago.

When I was little, everything was perfect until we faced bankruptcy and they became more serious of their companies and never payed attention to me ever since.

What a hell of a memory for me.

"Okay." Dipper said with no hint of doubt.

And so he went downstairs, following my mom's footsteps.

I also followed him to see them in action. Like no way I'd get excluded and I won't let mom go to far with Dipper. I guarantee, my mom would be toast if she do that.

Or it can be the other way around.

Shut up brain. I'm totally brave.

Are you now?

Yes, I'm officially having an internal conflict with myself. Yep, that's how scared I am.

On a scale of one, which is slightly farting to the scary situation to ten, having a heart attack on how scared I am, I was on scale number eight..

Anyway, here we are... In the so called confrontation room.

Mom placed her hand in her forehead as clearly a sign of frustration and dad was..doing absolutely nothing.

"So.. Dipper.. What's your say on what happened? Why are you here?"

"I.. I.."

I looked at Dipper as he let down a gulp and looks really unsure on what to say.

Oh man.

We are the one who's toast.


Dipper's POV


Man, I don't know what to say!

I.. I can't do this.

Then, I recalled..


"Oh shut up with the reasons! If you love her, then fight for her. If you don't, then you'll be like that."


"Tell me Dip. You love her, right?"

"Yes." I said, no hesitation in my word.

"Then fight for her."

End of Flashback

Gee, there's so much evidences that proves Mabel is a love expert. She really is great with love, not great on getting a permanent boyfriend though but still.

I know what to do now.

"I.. Love your daughter!" I finally let it out. Pacifica looked at me unsurely, she's afraid and flattered at the same time.

"And to be honest, the reason why I passed the security guards, climbed a two storey house and all that stuff is because of that. And I won't let you take her away from me, even though you are her parents."

Her evil parents.. I forgot to add.

But other than that, all of what I said is true and therefore, genuine.

"I'm sorry Dipper but I can't trust you..."

What?! Does she also know the journal saying 'Trust no one' or something for her to say that?

"It's just that, my daughter has changed a lot because of you. She's not the daughter that I used to know."

Now that I know is unacceptable. I won't let her take Paz away from me just because of her petty reasons.


"Tell me mom, who has changed? Me? Or you?" Pacifica spoke, strongly pointing out the last part. I don't know what she meant by that but I know this talk will lead to something far more sinister.

Family situations if I'm not mistaken.

And her mom flinching when she said that is a clue that it is.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Mom, we were never like this." Pacifica spoke. "Our relationship was perfect until you changed. You were too busy that you can't even hang out with your own daughter anymore and because of stress, you turned into.. Uhm.. That."

"You changed. Dipper was just helping me to be my own self again. He meant no harm and infact, I should thank him for changing me back to my old self." Pacifica finished and made her mom cry and sob silently.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this but you're right." I can't believe her mom said that either. Guess we have the same thought.

"It's my fault. It has always been my fault."

"Mom, it's not. Well, not entirely but I get you." Pacifica said, then came to her mom and offered a hug.

Aww, how sweet.

"But how would I know this poor boy will treat you like a princess?"

"He already has."

"Dipper?" Dad spoke. "Prove it to us then."

And with that, I nodded to him and did what the best choice would have been.

I held Pacifica's hands and leaned for a quick kiss. And I felt her lips in mine go in sync.

Man, a kiss in front of her parents.

Which have may be gross at some may think but it's Pacifica we are talking about.

Therefore, a pretty girl like her should never be ashamed of.


Man, I am good! I should call my twin brother Alex Hirsch to direct a Dipcifica episode. *tries to call Alex* Realization in 3 seconds.. Oh yeah, I forgot I don't have his number. *cries for days*

Anyway *sob sob*, see you on the next chapter.

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