Chapter 3 - Seminars

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Pacifica's POV

Oh thank goodness! The commencing ceremony to this year's Pioneer Day is over. It was really boring. Well, mostly since all the attention was on me but the rest of the ceremony was. It was so boring.

I'm kind of pitiful for the girl named Mabel when I embarrassed her in front of all those people but I have to do it because cruelty is "the shared personality" of our heritage.

Now, I'm at the Northwest Manor, eating the food served for the family celebration. I'm not really in the mood to eat when I can't even swallow my food because of guilt for that girl.

"I'm just going to go to my room now. I don't feel like eating." I honestly spoke to my mom and dad. I stood up from my chair but when I was about to walk away from the kitchen table, I felt a hand holding my arm from behind stopping mye from going anywhere.

"Stop right there Pacifica. Me and your father are thinking this for a while..that you should go to the Youth Leadership Seminar." Mom said, leaving me fairly confused. What exactly is this seminar and why should I even join that? The name itself already sounds boring, what more if I join?

"What is that about and why am I joining that probably boring seminar? I asked.

"Well, Pacifica..I noticed that you lack Northwest quality." Dad said in a direct tone with no hesitation, whatsoever.

"What do you mean?" I asked again.

"You know what a Northwest is all about; leadership and you lack of it. It's not a problem though since you're still young. Yet, that is not an exception. You need to be trained and it's a good timing that there is a special program for Pioneer Day called the Youth Leadership Seminar. I assure you that it will train you good leadership or at least you can learn to be one as you are the next Northwest that will govern this town." Dad explained.

"Wow. Being the "next in line" is great and all but are you thinking things a bit too early?" And what does they mean when they said I lack on leadership, does they saw me lead? Anyway, it's still too early for that.

"Nothing's to early to train for the better and you have to do it anyway because we said so." I was suppose to argue more but they are my parents and there's nothing I can do but to do as they say.

"Alright. When does it start?" I asked.

"An hour."

"What!? You could've told me that first so I can at least prepare earlier. And where will it be held anyway?" I asked, impatiently.

"At the woods."

"Oh my God! Do you know how many bugs are in the forest. I can't believe this." I said in a disgusted tone. Bugs, and other creepy crawlies are not my thing.

"Well, the town folks made that seminar, not us but I know it will be great. Trust." Mom replied.

I can't believe this. They made me join a seminar that is not planned by them!? What is the town folks have in store? It may include mud, dirt and other things disgusting. I don't really know but still I have no choice but to agree.


"And you wouldn't be preparing anything. All the stuff that you need will be provided there or at least, that's what we've been told." Well, they have to make sure that they all have what Pacifica orders then to, I said to myself.

"Come on Pacifica. Let's go to the limo. We'll be going to drop you there." Dad offered.

That's more like it. A travel to the woods by a limo would sure be nice before I say goodbye to this fancy stuff or at least for now.

"Great! Let's go!"


Dipper's POV

That was so embarrassing. Why did I blushed? In front of my sister who is definitely "fangirling" right this moment. But why would I be embarrassed?

"I admit that she's cute but..."

Oh yeah, that.. But why did I said it to my sister before even knowing that I fancy her myself? I got to take my mind off that and keep this is mind that Pacifica hurt Mabel's feelings and she's so arrogant. Yeah, keep that in mind.

"Grunkle Stan! Good to see you back at the shack!" I greeted Stan who was just back.

"Ugh! Those town folk were driving me nuts. Good thing I'm back. And uhm.. I figured that you should go out to this stuff so that I'm not the only one that's annoyed to Pioneer Day."

"Gee.. What stuff is it?" Note to sarcasm.

"A seminar."

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