Chapter 24 - Two Weeks Past

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Two Weeks Later

Dipper's POV

I woke up to my sleeping bag, seeing it's still quite early but the sun is already shining. I got out of my sleeping bag and saw Pacifica lying on my bed.

Yep, she's using my bed since the day she came here. It's not that I lost to her from some stupid game or something, it's just that I'm such a gentleman to lend her my bed...

Actually, it's the first part. Don't laugh at me.

But it has been amazing spending Pacifica's two weeks here. It was fun being with my sister, my friends and my girlfriend especially.

Speaking of her, our date has been fun. I remember how the date started like it was yesterday.

"Hey Paz.. Wake up.." I whispered, tapping her shoulders as I do so.

"Why?" She groaned and I smiled to that, noticing something.

"You always woke up late huh.." I told her.

"Yeah, I'll admit that." She said, "Why are you waking me up at this hour?" Her voice still groggy and eyes are still closed.

"Firstly, I told you it's already 9 in the morning and second, it's not to early to have our date today.."

And that got her got out of bed quick.

Well, that was really surprising.

"Why?! W-What?!"

"You know I really find that stutter cute.. As a matter of fact, I find everything you do adorable.. Anyway, get out of bed adorbs GF." I said, imitating a sassy African-American girl accent.

Which sucked by the way.

"Okay.. Just as long as you don't talk like that."

I got out of my imagination zone when I heard my sister shouting, "Hey Dipper! I need help!"

I rushed downstairs and followed her sound which led me to the kitchen.

"I can't open this mayo jar."

I face-palmed.

I thought it was serious.

Okay, so she was just shouting I need help with opening this 'easy to open' mayonnaise jar to spread on a sandwich. It really sounded stupid when you put it that way but I still helped her.

After helping my sister with her so called problem, I sat on the kitchen table, started to eat a sandwich along with my sister but found myself going out of reality as I brought back another memory.

The actual date itself.

"Where are we going?" She asked in an amused tone since I told her to put on a blindfold and she did.

"That's a surprise. Just hold my hand and follow me.."

"Okay." And she did what's told. I held her hand and tried to lead the way, making sure she doesn't trip on a rock again. I can stll recall that day when I 'semi-hugged' her.

Great memory.

"Whoa.." She was astonished when I took of her blindfold, seeing some familiar sights. The camp, the woods, the place we met. "This is the place we met. It's not a really good memory since I was a brat but you did a great job here."

"Well, what do you think?" I asked.

"Meh.. It could be better.."

"What?! I did so much work i-"

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