Chapter 26 - Once in a Lifetime

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Mabel's POV


Why does it have to be like this?

You meet someone special but ending up not being together anyway because this is 'how it's meant to be'.

I'm pertaining to Dipper right now, and yeah, I feel sorry for my brother. He just looks so sad and it makes me sad.

Sibling goals, by the way.

"Hey.." I said, almost like whispered to check if he's okay, which I know he's not so it's just a nonsense question.

Dipper let a sad hum, placing his elbow on the open window and resting his sad face in his hand.

I sighed, but decided to let it go for the mean time. I checked on my phone just to pass the time. I opened the Wi-Fi 'cause buses have Wi-Fi hotspots if I recall when I looked at the notifications of Tweeter..

Sev'ral Timez and 7 others followed you.

I stared.

I gaped.

I shrieked.

I cried.

"My gosh!! My gosh!!" I blurted, fanning myself with my hands quick.

'Cause I think I forgot how to breathe.

"Dipper!!" I put my both hands on Dipper's shoulders and rocking him back and forth. "My f-favorite boy band Sev'ral Timez f-freaking f-followed m-me! I died." I'm literally crying of joy and when I thought he would be happy for me, he just replied..


"C'mon. I thought you'd be happy for me." I pouted to at least get a slight laugh from him but I can see that it's not working at all. But I tried.

"Yeah, I'm happy. Just you know, peachy."

He might have told me this but come on, I'm not five. I know a sad person when I see one. And well, he just looked sorrowful and miserable.

"Oh Dip. Could you just stop with the face and tell Pacifica so you can at least have some connection with her or something?"

"Wait." Well, that made Dipper reply to me so that's progress, I guess, "Do you have her cellphone number?"

"Yep." I said, emphasizing the p.

"And how is that?"

"I know my ways." I said, faking an evil grin for effects, "So what do you say bro? Leave her a text?"


"Okay, I'll just set-- Wait? Did you say no?" That just caught me off guard, 'cause I thought he learned his lesson about fighting for his love. I guess he haven't learned that completely.

"Yes now shut up!" He shouted, ignoring the hurt and shock he let me have. Not letting that get to my emotions, I just stood up despite of the bus moving and shouted back..

"No I will not!" I shouted, then realization hit me in the face, "Wait, does that mean she doesn't have a clue that you left her without saying goodbye?"


"I have no other words to reply right now." I said in a monotone.

After that said, no one let another word escape from their mouth. I sighed, not wanting the tension get any worse. I sat back in my seat again and biting my bottom lip at what I'm about to do.

I feel so guilty, I don't know what to do.

Should I even sent her a message?

Alright, I'm doing it.

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