Chapter 15 - Llama

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Dipper's POV

I was soaked, still I didn't do anything. I just stood in the rain thinking that Pacifica could still ran to get me.

So you can officially call me a jerk for doing so.

Five minutes of standing in the rain, I think I'll get a fever afterwards.

And then, I could hear footsteps behind where I'm standing. I quickly assumed it was her, but I stood corrected.


It was Mabel and she brought an umbrella with her.

"You'll get a fever if you stood here in the rain in the middle of the night! What are you even thinking?!"

"Uhm.." It was all I can say.

"Here." She said as she lended her umbrella, "Let's go home, shall we?"

I nodded and so we walked home. It was a long way to get to the Mystery Shack and we still got a little bit wet when we were carrying an umbrella. It was cold and a wet journey but about fifteen minutes of walking, we finally reached the Shack.

I quickly ran to shower and then changed clothes. Although I think I still don't feel well. I was starting to get dizzy when I went to my room. I ran to my bed and rested on it as quickly as possible.

"So.. Are you feeling okay?" I heared Mabel saying as she was on her bed on the side of our room.

"To be honest, no I am not." I spoke.

"Whoa! Hot!" She exclaimed as she felt my neck's temperature, "You definitely have a fever. Go rest little bro. I'll sat here beside you too so you could get some comfort. You okay with that?"


"Night." I said as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Was this a dream or reality?

I looked around and it looks like space. And I think I'm standing on the moon or something. Probably another uncertain dream of mine.

I looked on my left and I saw, Mabel!?

"Wait. What?! Is this some kind of dream or something?" I asked Mabel, "And.. Mabel what are you here? Why are we here? And what are these two radical men doing here?"

"Wait! So many questions. First, I don't know bro. All I know is that when you slept, I left your side of the bed and slept on mine. Second, I was dreaming of them and then they got in here."

"We must be sharing the same dream." I realized. I still don't know the point of why these handsome men are even in here.

I looked on my right and wait, Soos!?

"Soos!? Why are you here?"

"I don't know. I remember sleeping because you know, it's nice to sleep in rainy days and the next thing I know, bam! I'm with you guys." Soos said.

"We must be sharing the same dream and then we went on the mindscape." I told them.

"Mindscape?" Mabel asked.

"I'm just making things up."

"You are correct Pinetree. This is the mindscape." I heard someone saying. When he showed himself, I was terribly shocked. I know who he is and I know that triangle head is capable of.

"Wait I feel like I read something about you in the journal." I said then I flicked the page it was and realized that..


"Bill Cipher."


Pacifica's POV

I was going to ran after Dipper until my parents showed up. And as I expected, we're going to have a super serious conversation right about now.

"Pacifica. Tell me. Why on Earth did you disobey us?" Mom asked, threateningly.

"Well.. I.." I don't know what to say exactly.

"Tell me it wasn't about that boy." I was speechless and only flinched on his name.

"Oh gosh Pacifica!"

"It's not his fault!" I shouted in return, "It was me who disobeyed you!"

"I told you that it was all business. He gets the ghost, then back to normal. You'll stay here and he'll be..wherever he lives." Mom and dad still doesn't get my point.

"Can't you see that we almost got in trouble for the lies of our heritage? And passed until this day. It's because of him we're safe and he deserve to be treated as such."

"We're just doing this for our reputation. He just can't be with our kind. I command that you stay away from that boy and you have to do what is told." Dad said.

I can't believe they are still pointing that reputation thing. Dipper was right. I also don't know what we're impressing with this stuff. All I know that I wasn't impressing him at all.

It's finally my time to be brave.

"Y-You can't tell me what to do anymore." I told them then I carried an umbrella with me and ran through the door.

"Pacifica!" I ignored and continued to ran away from them.

I opened the umbrella and walked to the place I want to get to. Where Dipper lives; the Mystery Shack.

Man, it was still a long way as I remembered. Just wanted to point that out but when I got there, I knocked on the door to only see their Grunkle.

"Uhm.. Is Dipper here?"

"Upstairs." He pointed out.

"Thanks." I was about to get in then he stopped me.

"Op. Op. Op."

"You think that you can just come in to our house when you made fun of me on Pioneer Day?"

Oh, he remembered that I threw tomatoes to him when he was locked on some kind of old timey jail thing that I don't know what is called.

"I-I'm sorry okay. I just want to see Dipper. It's important." Key word: Important. I'm sure he'll understand now.

"I see. Well, when you put it like that, sure why not?" Finally, he let me in.

I ran upstairs and went to their so called room and then I saw him, sleeping.

He's so cute when he sleeps.

I sat on his bed and I found myself caressing his face. He's just so cute when he sleeps that I can't resist. As I did, he's hotter than usual. Wait, wrong term. Not hotter, what I mean is, his temperature is hot. He must be sick.

I rested beside him and slept.

It was then I saw them, encountering some triangle guy. I don't know if this is real, a dream? Not entirely sure.

"Oh the llama is here." The triangle pointed me out. Am I suppose to be the llama?

"What llama?" Dipper asked until he turned around and then I met his gaze.

"Llama? Pacifica?"


Do you agree? Pacifica is the llama? Based on many theories it is though. And another, since I'm always busy, if I didn't upload the next chapter today, I'll upload it tomorrow. Thanks for understanding!

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