Chapter 22 - Lying Influence

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Dipper's POV

"Bravo fellow mate. You have been proven worthy as my daughter's boyfriend." His dad said while slowly clapping his hand. And wait,

Was her father suppose to be British? Or is it just fancy saying?

Still, Pacifica's parents expressing gratitude is one of a kind so.. Lucky me.

"Uhm.. Still don't know. Anyone could kiss someone so temptingly and easily when the one who will be kissed is someone as beautiful as my daughter." As always, her evil mom will take everything good that come our way.

But question: Is there anyone who is willing to do that in front of an evil mother like you?

"Mom!" Pacifica shouted, offended.

Likewise, I would state the same if I had a chance to speak. I would also shout and get offended by now. Oh wait, I am offended by now. Who would not be if I proved a lot to her mother and she still isn't buying what I've done!?

Her mother is really hard to get along with.

"Don't worry Dipper boy. I'm sure there is an insect that will be your girlfriend one day." Her mom added.

"At least pick a cuter animal dammit!"

I was losing my mind because of her mother that I lost it. Though I meant 'a cuter animal for me' part if Paz were an animal.

"This kid has a great sense of humor! I like him." His dad stated.

Uhm.. Not even joking when I said that. The insect part what kind of offending really.

"I still can't accept you being my daughter's boyfriend. It's just.. wrong."

Okay just stop. I don't need to hear it anymore. I don't even need to joke as a reply. Just pure seriousness..

"Don't worry. I'll leave this town two weeks tops." I stated sadly, meanting 50% of that.

"What?! Tell me your not lying." Pacifica looks like she can't accept the truth. It is the reality that I'll leave no matter what. I'm just on vacation..

But I do love it here. I'll miss lot of cool adventures, a bunch of friends, Stan, Soos and her especially.

I wouldn't miss Bill though.

"I try hard to not lie because of the fact that I hate liers myself." I said and I can see she's affected by what I said as she furrowed her eyebrows, clearly showing she's remembering herself lying to me as well.

"Oh." Was all she can say.

But I don't hate you for that, I was going to say but I make no sound.

"Well, it was..nice having this talk with you ma'am but I better be going." I said as I ran to the door and left their living room that was obviously full of quarreling and stuff.

That was awkward.

But the fact that I don't want to miss what they are saying makes me want to stay. And something is also telling me to stay because I've got to apologize to Pacifica.

So I never left the front of their house. I sticked my ear at the door and listened..


Pacifica's POV

"Mom! What is wrong with you!?" I shouted at her as soon as Dipper left the Manor.

"What?" But mom said, still oblivious.

"Do you think you could really tell me what to say or do in life? Do you really think that I'm just a puppet that can be controlled by just a sound of your bell?"

"If so, then not anymore."

"I can and I will." She said villainously making me want to cry. I thought we were cool. She even apologized to me. I guess that's all a false alarm.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn and selfish?" I asked, being more emotional. "Dipper will leave soon. What am I suppose to do now?"

Sigh... Was all I can hear from her.

"I suppose you could survive two weeks with that boy's dump house. You need to pack your things though." As she said that, my emotions were a mix of happiness and anger.

"To begin with, it's not his house. He's just staying there for another two weeks, remember? And lastly, thank you for the chance."

"Uhuh." Again, that was all she said, leaving us pure silence. Uncomfortable silence to be clear.. That's all normal for her because she's used to always fight but I'm still isn't use to this.

"Uhm.." I said, attempting to break the silence. "I'm packing my things now."

"Okay." Dad said with a hint of sympathy.

I rush to my room and locked the door as I get there. I took a huge breath and stated..

"That was awkward." To myself.

Then I packed my only necessary things to my bag hurrily 'cause I want to get out of here so badly.

When I was finish sorting my stuff, I unlocked the door, rushed to the stairs and went to the living room.

"Goodbye Pacifica. Be safe." Dad said, waving his hands.

"Thanks dad and of course."

"Uhm.. Bye.. Mom." I said, getting uncomfortable all over again.


Is uhuh a popular word that she want to join in to the trend?

I didn't wait another second as I left the confrontation room and got out of the Manor. As I was out, it was unexpected to see..


"I thought you were!-"

"I never left your house. I mean, mansion."

"And why?" I asked.

"I don't want to miss the hot confrontation with your mom."

"You are so like me." I joked, pointing out the so part since we are.

"Yap, I guess we think the same then."

"Let's not want to hold a conversation in front of the door. Maybe mom will hear us."

"Yeah.." And so we went outside the gates of the Manor, far away from the door.

"So what are you doing with that bag? Where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm going to stay with you for two weeks! Isn't that grea--?" I think I got too excited but I can see he's not. Something is wrong. "Wait, why are you sad? You're not happy for--"

"No! I am. But I lied."

"About what?" I said, more seriousness and curiousity in my tone.

"It's not much but I kind of lied about me staying here for just two weeks. I know your mad about--"

"Mad?" I smiled. "Why would I be mad? You just made me time to hang out with you more! Besides, I should thank you for that!"

"You're welcome then." Dipper said which made me giggled.

"You know, it's you who influenced me to lie to make hacks in life. So I think I should thank you for that as well."

"Welcome." I stated, laughing some more.

"So.. Let's go on our house then."

Again, it's not your house, I thought. Though instead of saying that I said..

"Thinking like a proper boyfriend."

He smiled back and we held hand in hand as we walk on our house.

But I know something is not right.


Guys!! Please don't get in mind that lying is alright, kay? Hehe.. Just.. Please nooo!!! The worst case scenario I could think of right now is you lying to your mother then blaming me for it.. Then mom walks in and strangles me, (if your mom isn't as bad as Pacifica's mother then I'll be alright) just no please.. Thank you!

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