Chapter 7 - Cuddling Accident

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Dipper's POV

"I-uhm.. I'm sorry about that." Pacifica stuttered to say. I suppose she'll talk in that way because this is so awkward in many levels.

"It's cool. And I suppose I'm going to let go of you now." I replied.

"Y-yeah." She agreed and then I let go from my grip.

"Uhm.. What caused you to trip?" I asked.

"This rock." She picked up the rock and it was incredibly small and was almost impossible to be tripped over. I don't know why she would ever trip from it.

"And oh uhm.. Thanks." She said and if I'm not too mistaken, I think I'm starting to blush madly. Because that was just great gesture that came from the Pacifica Northwest. It was weird and definitely hard to get used to.

We left off the hut and started walking to the camp site.

"Thank you too." I said, without noticing what I just said.

Seriously Dipper. Why did you just said that?

"For what?"

"Oh uhm.. For another reason. Leading us and because of you, we're on the lead!" I exclaimed, still walking.

"Oh, no big deal. Just being a great leader and junk like that." I rolled my eyes in amusement. She is quite a unique one.

"Big head again. Seriously, where did you get that attitude from?" I asked, not annoyed though but it was more like an amused tone.

"No comment." She timidly said.

"But you know, I kind of noticed that you say seriously a lot." Gee. I don't know that. How could she know that?

Is she stalking me?

"So, are you stalking me or some sort to notice that?" I asked.

"W-What makes you think that? I just noticed. Don't assume too much." Pacifica said in a straight tone.

We stopped walking temporarily to just noticed the view of the camp site. The tents are aligned. The yellow, blue, red and oh there's ours! Green.

The woods are definitely scary but the stars managed to light the way.

"We're here." I said.

Then, me and Pacifica walked to our tent, the green-colored one since it is our team color. We saw our teammates already here.

"Hey! Feeling alright?" I checked the twins.

"Not really. Let me check my sister if she still has a fever." She pressed her sister's neck to check if she still has one. She was left off with an unsatisfied look on her face.

"You still have one, Lea."

"You too, Rhea." Gee. They still have a fever. Good thing I finally knew their names though.

"I'm not a doctor to prescribe you two with anything but I think it would be best for you two to sleep early. Get some good night sleep and maybe you two will be better in the morning." I was almost shocked to what Pacifica said. For the first time ever, she said something filled with care and..concern.

"Sound cool." Rhea and Lea said simultaneously. And they did as they told.

"I'm also going to sleep. This boy is tired already. Good night guys!"

"Good night." We all said.

"Oh and Michael is my name." They got into the tent so that leaves me and Pacifica alone.

"Uhm.. Are you feeling sleepy?" Pacifica asked.

"Not yet." I replied.

"Well, Tyler suggested we can go star gazing." She suggested.

"Might as well."

We sat on a log and Pacifica looked up to the night sky. I also did. I smiled at the sight of the beautiful night.

"Ooh ooh! I can see Big Dipper! Speaking of that, why is your name Dipper?" My eyes widened at her question. I don't really want to answer that.

"I'm not going to tell. You're just going to tease me." I said.

"No, promise. I won't." She raised her right hand and said. I don't trust her though but might as well.

"Okay. I'm going to show you something and don't laugh okay?"

"Sure. Whatever."

"Okay. Here it goes." My hand went my way to my hair and rose it to show my forehead to her. I can't believe I'm actually going to show her a secret that only Mabel knew. But something inside me is telling that Pacifica is worth telling it.

"What the-" Oh that's not a good sign.

I told myself so. She laughed, real hard to the sight of the birthmark of the Big Dipper on my forehead. I just sighed to it and set down my fringe to hide it again. I've humiliated myself quite enough.

"What is that! Seriously Dipper. Comedy gold." She is still chuckling while saying it.

"I thought you're not going to laugh." I pouted.

"Sorry. And oh by the way, you're cute when you pout." What did she say?

"Oh w-what I mean is that.. Uhm.. I'm sleepy. I'm going to go to sleep. At a tent. Which I don't like."

"Believe me. I don't like it either. But I suppose I could sleep there since this is free." I said. She just smiled and since yawning is unconcious, she yawned. She is getting really tired.

"Gee. I am getting sleepy." She said.

"Let's go to our tent then." And so me and Pacifica stood from the log and went to our tent.

Once we got there, we set the pillow and the blanket that was provided by this seminar. But somehow it was still not comfy.

"Ugh. This is so uncomfortable." I told her and she nodded but she has her eyes closed.

"Goodnight Ms. Boastful." I said.

"Night, Mr. Constellation."


The Next Day

I was starting to wake up, still eyes are closed when I feel a hand on my chest. I thought it was a pillow so I hugged it. Then I went back to sleep.

I woke up again, rubbed my eyes and opening it afterwards. I was shocked of what I'm seeing.

"What on Earth?!" I exclaimed which caused Pacifica to also wake up. But this is worth waking up to!

"What Dip- Oh my gosh!" Then she realize what she's doing. She better has an explaination to this.

"Did you just cuddled me at night?!" I asked and she looked just as confused as I am.

Little White Lies: Dipper and Pacifica FanficWhere stories live. Discover now