Chapter 9 - Personality Change

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Dipper's POV

I came back to the camp site as I saw the blue team already finished. I found myself sighing that we lost our leader. I thought deep inside she can find good in herself, looks like she'll remain selfish and boastful like I thought of her in the first place.

"Green team. You're up." Oh no! We're next. What are we going to do? We're only four and we have no leader.

"I'm sorry Tyler but we have to go without our leader. She's.. She ran away." I said.

"That can't be. The leader and only the leader can get the flag and that will determine your time." Tyler replied.

"I know but what are we going to do? She let us down." I told him, recalling what happened earlier.

"I suppose you can but I'm going to give you a ten second penalty."

"What?" I blurted. He can't take that. We're probably the underdog without a good leader. Wait. Did I just called her good?

"Wait. Don't. I'm back." Hold up. What? I know that voice anywhere. I'm right. It's Pacifica.

"Pacifica. You came back! Why?" I was surprised to see her, I couldn't resist to be excited.

"You're right. I shouldn't have to be selfish and always thinking about myself instead of my team." Hmm.. Pacifica said it so sincerely, I trusted her real quick.

"I know you'll do the right thing. Well, not really." I joked. It was half meant though. I thought she will leave and will never talk to us-to me ever again.

"What? You have no trust in me?"

"I was kidding. I knew you can adapt to become selfless and stuff." I said.

"Okay. Okay. Talk over. Ready green team?" Tyler asked then we walked to the starting line.

"Ready as ever!" Pacifica exclaimed. 

"Yeah! What she said!"

"Okay. Green team. Ready.. Set.. Go!" And with that we ran and Pacifica led. She started to jump over the narrow logs. When it was my turn, I noticed that it's really hard to be stable. I managed to pass though.

"Okay. Balance guys! Keep your feet as steady as you can to be stable."

"But I'm quite dizzy. I still have a headache!" Oh right. Rhea and Lea are still sick.

"You can do it. Focus." I smiled at Pacifica for her talent at leading.

We all passed that course without falling in mud but there is no exception in the next course. We all have to crawl in mud.

"Oh gosh. Mud. Heck, I can do this." Pacifica said to herself and she went off. She crawled without complaining. That's new.

"Ugh. Anyway, you can do it!" Pacifica's clothes are covered in mud now. I was next to crawl then the twins and last was Michael.

"Next one. Oh gosh I'm scared." Pacifica said. The next one is swinging over a huge mud puddle. I'm also totally nervous.

"Yes. Rhea, Lea you can do it!" They hesitated at first but they did it. I was next.

"Yes! Go Dipper!" Pacifica cheered and that just boost my confidence up. I swung without getting to fall in mud. Michael did it either.

"Go Pacifica. Get the flag!" Then she ran as quickly as she can. I didn't even know that Pacifica can run that fast.

"I got it."

"One minute and nine seconds! The fastest one yet! Last one, the yellow team." Yellow team was next but I ignored their turn. I wanted to talk to Pacifica first.

Little White Lies: Dipper and Pacifica FanficWhere stories live. Discover now