Chapter 18 - Destined Couple

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Pacifica's POV


I felt like the world just stopped when he asked me that question and when I managed to say yes, I even more felt surreal by this moment.

And that answered my question. I'm his girlfriend and he's my boy.
Then we hugged 'til our hearts content. It was nice. I remember it just like it was yesterday, when we hugged multiple times and none of that was on purpose. So I could conclude that destiny is playing on us. And I could say..

Nicely done destiny. Nicely done.

As we pulled away from the hug, we just stared at each other endlessly. Me, I'm just admiring my first new secret boyfriend.

That's right. Secret.

I can't let my parents know. They don't even know where I am. And they just think Dipper is a nuisance, so yeah, it will be a total disaster if they find out.

All I can say for now is, enjoy this moment.

"Ehem." I heard Mabel saying and so I felt a bit awkward. I started looking everywhere except him.

"Oh.. Uhm.." I said.

"We should continue to tell stories. The night's still young." I continued.

"Enough of the stories. How about telling secrets?" Dipper suggested. He sure sound hesitant and scared when he said it.

When you think about it.. I then realized..

"Oh. I see what's going on." I put on a smirk, "You don't want anymore scary stories, don't you?"


"I knew it." I said with a triumphant face.

"Okay. Let's start with you Mabel."

"Me? Okay. Uhm.. It's only a secret that I have a crush on the person on the one dollar bill."

"Okay?" I said, rather more of a question than a statement, "Next."

"Oh me!" Grenda said, raising her hand, "Me and Candy once ate a bug."

"Well, that wasn't surprising." My sarcastic boyfriend said.

"Good one." I replied.

"You Dipper? Don't you have anything to tell?" I added.

"Uhm.. Dipper is not my real name."

"Oh? I thought it was the name given by your mom, right?"

"Correction. My mom gave my nickname." Well, that's another fact about him.

Fact No. 1: Dipper is not his name.

Fact No. 2: He has an odd birthmark of Big Dipper on his forehead.

Fact No. 3: He eats almost everything.

Now, all I have to do is ask what his real name and I can add another on my mental fact list.

"So what's your name then?" I asked.

"That I can't tell."

"Well that's a total bummer." I said. No added fact then.

"A secret to tell, Pacifica?" Dipper asked and I can't really think of a secret. Fact about me being homeless is the first to came into my mind.

"Uhm.. I know you know I'm practically homeless and that I don't have anything with me. But what you don't know is that I have two things with me. My umbrella and my phone." I said, while eating a smore.

"What?!" Dipper blurted and I was shocked. I don't know what he's worrying about. This situation is making me nervous to be honest. "Do you know your mom and dad will call you sooner or later once they found out your phone is with you?"

"Gee. I didn't think about that." I realized.

"What are we going to do then? We can't just ignore if they do call."

"Let's not worry about that, shall we?" I persuaded, "Let's just continue eating these marshmallows."

"To be honest, I thought you'd be grossed out with this food. I thought you'd say words like 'Man, this is unsanitary. We might get a stomach infection after eating this thing' or something."

He knows me well.

"You know me very well but no, it's in the past. You're my present now." I said, not realizing what I said. Seriously, I was getting a lot more cheesier than usual.

"Oh so you want corns now? Sorry but we don't have any."

"What do you mea-" I cut off myself from saying as I realized what he meant. "Oh. I get it."

"No. I meant that and sorry for being corny." I added.

"It's cool. I'm use to it. Mabel says corny jokes all the time so yeah." Dipper said and I slightly laughed at that.

"Hey." Mabel said, very offended leaving Dipper to chuckle.

"Let's go to sleep, shall we?" Candy suggested. I sure agree because I'm turning quite sleepy too to be honest. And so we went to the big tent and right inside are sleeping bags for the each of us.

"Oh and thanks Candy for borrowing me this extra sleeping bag." I said.

"Sure thing."

"And Dipper, these are the best days of my life." I said, closing my eyes. "Thank you." I added and went off to sleep.


Mrs. Northwest's POV

"She could be having the worst day of her life!"

It's been an entire day since Pacifica left and I don't know where she could have gone.

And me being a stubborn parent let my daughter alone by herself for a day without a home, without anything. I thought she will be back as soon as it gets dark or when she finds that it is hard to live outside, she will be back.

I thought wrong.

Now she could get hurt or worse. She could be.. Dead! No, it can't!

It can.

"Preston!" I called and he only let a hum.

"Don't hmm hmm me! Our daughter is out there alone and we don't know where she is! She could be!.."

"Relax. It's only been a day. She absolutely die on a day. Your getting exagerrated than usual!"

"I'm not exaggerating things!" "Our daughter is alone. I only wonder what horrible things she's going on to."

"Yeah.. You're right."

"Let's go get detectives to get her back!" I shouted.

"A look out on the night?" He asked, which is irritating by the way. It's so easy. Just pick up the phone and let them do the work. What's so difficult about that?

"Rather difficult. Let's look tomorrow okay?" Again, what's so difficult about that?

"Okay." Unwholeheartedly I said.

"For now, let's go to bed."

"I'll sleep later. You go." I watched Preston as he left the hallway. I can't resist the urge to call for help.

I really can't.

She's still my daughter, for Pete's sake.

But I...

Modesty and conscience is really buggling my mind. What is wrong and what is right they say. I know what is needed.

Sorry Preston.

I picked up the phone and called for help, which is the right way to do.

"Hello? Send some detectives and let them find Pacifica, my missing daughter. And by that I mean now!" After they could even reply, I declined the call and let down of the telephone.

"I'm going to get my daughter back." I said to myself, "And this time, I'll never letting her go away."

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