21. A Long Time Coming

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-Troye's POV-

Tilly can not get home sooner. I mean sure he just left like 10 minutes ago, but that doesn't mean it's okay he left. Troye you just need a distraction. You have gotten on before without Ty and you can do it again. But that was before I knew he wanted me like I want him. He's like my own personal version of Heroin.

I grabbed my laptop and checked my emails from our friends. So far there were about 30 people who RSVPed and booked flights and hotels. This apartment is so quiet without my Tilly... Maybe I should get out the house. I grabbed my phone and dialed up Kian Lawley.

"Sup Troye."

"Hey Kian. Can I come over and check out the house so I know what I need to buy?"

"Uh sure. Are you and Tyler coming?"

"No. Ty is at Twitter Headquarters with Natalie."

"Oh okay. Do you want me to pick you up? I'm right near Tyler's appartment building."

"Sure. Thanks. See you in a minute then."

"I'll be outside in less than 5. Bye."

"Bye," and he hung up the phone. A guys afternoon. Exactly what I needed to take my mind off of Ty.


"Is Jc here?"

"Yea. I think he's cleaning for once in his life."

"You're one to talk!" Jc chimed in. He walked up the Kian and pecked him on the lips. Wait. WHAT! Kian and JC??? A THING!!! It's about time!!! My eyes must have grown out of head because they both flushed a dark shade of red.

"Congrats! Does anyone else know?"

"Only JJ our camera man for Kian and Jc channel. Please don't tell anyone! We want to tell everyone at the party thingy." Jc said.

"That excludes Tilly though right?" There was no way I could keep something like this from him of all people. Then the cutest thing happened. They looked at eachother as to decide what to say.

"We suppose that would be fine," Kian said, thankfully.

"Honestly though I so proud of you both, but can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," they said in unison.

"So your both gay then?"

"Honestly Troye all I know is that I love Kian." THEY ARE SO CUTE.

"You've never said that before. I love you too." Okay so I know they joke around ALL the time, but this seems legit. It's nice to see them being serious. Sometimes it's hard to remember that there is more to people than what you see from their video's and social media pages. These two come off as jokestures with no serious bones in their bodies, yet here they are talking about love.

"I am so happy now!! You guys are too cute! Anyways... Let's talk about Saturday. I was thinking lots of lights, loud music, and lots of food."

"Sounds like a Kian and Jc party!" Commented Jc.

"Perfect. Shall we go buy lights and pick out a cateror?"

"Let's do this! Do we know what type of food she likes?" Kian asked.

"She doesn't like seafood."

"That's it?" Jc questioned.


"Well this is going to be easy. Our house already has a disco ball in the main room and lazers in the walls and cealing so we don't have to buy many lights. Maybe just a few strands of fairy lights." Said Jc.

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