5. Kill Me

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-Tyler’s POV-

After I sassed Troye, I went and changed my shirt. I just grabbed one of his from his suitcase considering it was already in the living room, plus I loved the smell of his shirts. They smell just like him.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." His hair had chocolate cake mix in it from the bowl I put on his head. He deserved it.

"I take it you know where the towels are?"

"Of course I do Tilly." I smiled at his nickname for me. How me came up will Tilly from Tyler I will never know nor want to know.

Once I heard the shower turn on, I went and make Troye and I lunch, noticing that it was already 1pm. I decided that I should also call Connor and make sure he wasn't telling anyone. I grabbed my phone and walked into the kitchen.

"Why hello love bird!"

"Literally fuck off Connor!"

"Let me guess. You called to make sure I didn't and won't tell anyone about you guys until you're ready?" Damn he's good.

"Thank you for understanding Connor. I'm sorry we couldn't collab today. Wanna come over tomorrow for a Tronler (Troye, Tyler, Connor) collab?"

"Tronler? Hahaha sure. What time?"

"Lets say 10?"

" 10am for Troyler is like 7pm human time. See ya guys at 7?"

"We should go out to dinner first. Meet us at Panera at 6ish?"

"Sure. See you guys then. Bye Ty!"

"Bye ConDaBon!" 

The whole phone call had taken about 3 minutes. I heard the beautiful sound of Troye's voice coming from my Bathroom. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out some jelly, then walked over to the Pantry and pulled out bread, peanut butter, and chips. Cool Ranch Doritos to be exact. I quickly whipped together 2 sandwiches, cut them in half, and put them on 2 plates. I grabbed a handful of chips and put them between the 2 halves of the sandwich. I grab both plates, walk into the living room, and place them both on the end table.

A few minutes pass and I hear the water to the shower shut off and the oven ding telling me the cake is done. I walk into the kitchen and pull it out of the oven. A minute after pulling the cake out and going back into the living room, I hear the bedroom door open.

Troye walks out in nothing but a towel.

"I forgot my clothes."

"I think you look great in just that." At my comment he blushed a deep shade of red. He quickly grabs some boxers and goes back to the bedroom to change. When he walks out he is in one of my onesies.

"That looks way better on you than it does me but I still think you look best in only that towel."

"Thanks but I think at one point this was mine and you stole it from me..."

"Probably. I made us lunch." I grab the plates and he plops down next to me.

"Thanks babe." Awe! He called me babe! I could really get used to this.

He lets out the cutest yawn before saying, "We should lay in bed watching Netflix!" 

"Yaaaass!" A chance to spend all afternoon cuddling with this cutie is something I could never turn down.

Once we both finished eating, Troye took our plates and put them in the dishwasher while I went in my room and picked something out for us to watch. 

"So what movie do you have planned for us?" He asked as he walked in and climbed under the covers with me.

"The Holiday! I know how much you love it and ever since the other day when you tweeted about it I have wanted to rewatch it." 

"Perfect." Once the movie was on we quickly found a very comfortable position. Troye had his head rested right on my heart with one arm draped on my stomach, rubbing circles onto it. Our legs were entwined to the point of not telling who's limbs were who's. My right arm was under Troye and my hand was drawing circles into his back.

In our perfect little world, we quickly drifted off to sleep. 


When I woke up, I felt something on my chest. I slowly looked down and saw that it was my beautiful boyfriend sound asleep on my chest. 

After a few minutes of staring at a black TV, Troye starts to cry in his sleep. I immediately start shaking him.

"Troye? Troye honey wake up. It's just a dream. Troye wake up. Troye?" He jumps awake and I pull him into my embrace. 

"Troye it's okay it was just a dream. You're okay." I don't like seeing Troye upset.

"Oh Tilly!" He grabs me tight and starts crying. All I can think to do it rub slow circles onto his back. It seems to calm him enough for him to tell me what he dreampt of.

"It wasn't me. It was you. They wanted me to kill you. They told me that if I didn't take the blade and plunge it into your heart that they would skin me alive. When I told them that I wouldn't do that to the person I loved and to just kill me, they did something even worse than skin me alive. I begged for them to kill me, not you. They plunged a dagger into your heart. You were just staring at me as you died. I tried to get to you but they had me restrained. I did everything I could to get to you but nothing worked. I watched you take your last breath and then they let me go. I fell to my knees as I got to your dead body and I just screamed and cried while holding your corpse. It was terrible and I couldn't wake up. I was trapped in a world without you and I couldn’t bare the pain. Then I heard you calling my name. I heard you saying " Troye honey wake up. It's just a dream. You're okay." and I remembered that I was just dreaming and that you were alive."

"Yes Troye I am alive and so are you. We are both alive. You aren't trapped in a world without me. You're stuck with me whether you want to be or not. I'm here to stay."

He pulled me into the tightest hug ever and said "Yes you are here and I am grateful to be stuck with you and I'm glad you're here to stay because I am too." I kissed away the stray tears that were left on his flushed cheeks before pulling his chin to my face and kissing him slowly. 


A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Any and all suggestions are requested. What do you guys what to happen next?

I know that when I read some FanFics it can be quite annoying when the Author posts every social media site link at the end of every chapter so I'm not gonna do that. If you want to follow me, they are all at the end of Chapter 2. Thanks so much! 

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