6. Hearts and a Heartbreak

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-Troyes POV- 

I pulled him into a tight hug and said "Yes you are here and I am grateful to be stuck with you and I'm glad you're here to stay because I am too." He kissed away the stupid tears that had fallen, put his pointer finger under my chin, pulled my face to his, and kissed me sweetly but slowly. 

"I could get used to this. Us. Kissing you whenever I want. Oh I forgot to tell you that tomorrow we have dinner plans with Connor at 6, then we are filming a Tronler collab. If you're okay with that, that is."

"Great! I love Connor! I haven't seen him since he posted his coming out video. Sounds like a fun evening."

"You love Connor huh? Well then he better watch his back!"

"Is Tyler Oakley getting jealous? I've never seen this side of you before."

"That's because I've never had anything or anyone I have cared about as much as I care about you."

"Well you have nothing to worry about. I mean Connor is a great guy but he isn't Tyler Fucking Oakley."

At my remark, Tyler started laughing his adorable laugh.

"I could listen to you laugh all day."

"Okay Jack Dawson."

"Do I look like a guy who wouldn't win an Oscar? Actually don't answer that."

Once again his laugh filled my ears. "It's only 4:30. What should we do the rest of the afternoon?"

"We could go get Subway and watch movies."

"Orrr we could order pizza and watch movies. That way we don't even have to leave the house." The less work, the better. Plus I don't want to leave the house without a strong quiff game.

"Whatever you want babe. But we have to ice the cake still."

"Okay you order and I'll go start icing." With that said, I walk out of the room and into the kitchen to ice the cake. It makes sense that Tyler orders the pizza considering he knows what one around is the best. I could hear him on the phone. He ordered our favorite; Hawaiian! Yum!!

Once the pizza is ordered, he walks in and joins me. Well actually he just watches me ice it. Typical Tilly.

"Do you have any sprinkles?"

"If I did they would be above your head."

Once the Icing was complete, I opened the cupboard to find that he had exactly what I was looking for; red sprinkles. 

"Perfect!" With that said, I went to work on my masterpiece. On the cake I put a love heart around the word Mine.

"Troye that's so cute but why the word Mine?"

"Because you're mine and only mine." I regretted the words as soon as they came out but at the same time I didn't. I wanted him to know that he was mine but I didn't want it to seem like he was my property. He's been treated like shit for far too long. He deserves so much better.

Flashback -Tyler’s POV-

"Tyler get me a beer."  

"Okay honey."

"Don't call me those pussy ass names!" The louder he got, the smaller I got. I hated when he yelled. Jake yelling always resulted in something far worse and I couldn't keep lying to my friends, family, and viewers about why I had a black eye every other second.

"Okay Jake." As I spoke, I got up from the couch to get him a beer. Once I reached the fridge, I realized that we only had Budlight Lime. He HATES Bud light Lime. Last time I gave him one, it was in a glass bottle and he broke it against my head and stabbed he in the stomach. It wasn't deep enough to rupture anything, but I did need stitches.

I slowly walked back into the living room. "We only have Bud light Lime. Do you want me to go get some Budweiser or something?" 

"Fuck!" He slammed his fist into my glass table, causing it to shatter. "I'll go get it my fucking self!" He walked out of the apartment and never returned. I called his phone non stop for 4 days straight.

Like always, Troye was there for me. As soon as I called him in tears, he booked a flight and was on his way within an hour. I was better once he was with me. I cried the entire 21 hour flight until I was in his arms.

Some said I was out of tears and others said my heart knew that Troye was the one. I didn't believe either.

End Flashback -Troye's POV-

I remember that phone call from Tilly like it happened 5 minutes ago. I still want to beat the shit out of that dick but Tyler won't let me. I could hear the heartbreak in his voice and it broke my heart.  I just wanted to pull him into my embrace and tell him that everything was okay and that he deserved someone who would treat him like a king and that I would treat him like my king if he let me. I did and said all of that except the last part.... My words seemed to bring him comfort and that was all I could ask for.

We both seemed pretty wrapped up in our own thoughts, me snapping out first. I walked up to Ty and pulled him into my embrace. He returned the hug. 

"You give the best hugs Troye."

"Only the best for my Tilly." That aut to get him blushing. He looked so cute when he was blushing. 

"Only you can make me blush. Did you know that?" 

"That's not true. I've seen loads of other YouTubers make you blush"

"They only made me blush because they mentioned you somehow, Troye"

"Well if that isn't cute than I don't know what is."

"Oh fuck off! I know you did the same thing!"

I opened my mouth to protest but knew it was no use. " Who told you that?"


"You talked to Zoe about me?"


"I talked to Zoe about you! She always told me that she thought you felt the same way but I didn't believe her because I thought she didn't have any real proof."

"Well we should have listened to her. Mama knows it would have saved me from some heartbreaks." As he got to the end of his little speech, his head fell, expressing the hurt he still felt. I put hands on either side of his face and gently pulled his face up so he was staring me in the eyes.

"I'm gonna make up for all of those dick's fuck ups. They were complete idiots to have let you go and I'm gonna make you forget all about them, I promise." Once I make a promise, especially to Ty, I do everything in my power to keep that promise.

The rest of the evening went as planned. The pizza arrived 5 minutes after I had promised to make Ty forget about all the dicks in his past. We ate in bed and fell asleep in each others arms during Home Alone 2.

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