29. Let's Start With Forever

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~Troye's POV~

Today on this day, September 26th, I Troye Sivan am marrying the Tyler Oakley.

Rather than deciding on who gets to walk down, we decided to walk down with our moms, him following me.

All of our friends are here and so is Tyler's dad. Once we talked to him and he broke down crying, we both decided to invite him.

The wedding is turning out just as we birh imagined and in less than two minutes I walk down the isle and pronounce my love for Ty infront of all of our friends.

We haven't seen eachothers suits yet. In fact we haven't seen eachother in over 36 hours and it's driving me crazy.

Zoey, Ty's maid of honor, and Connor, my best man, teamed up and took our phones so we havent even been able to talk ti eachother. Since we've met, this is the longest we have gone without talking.

There is a curtain dividing Tilly and I so I have to wait for Con's signal to go.

The bridesmaids walk, followed by Zoey. Ty and Jackie walk out right after, followed by the groomsmen. Finally Connor removes the curtain receiving it is our turn to walk down. I loop my arm in my moms and follow Con down the isle.

There he is. Lord is he beautiful. His hair is a beautiful dark blue, the same blue as my tie. Our eyes lock and I forget where I am until I nearly trip over my own feet.

Can he see the fear in my eyes? The fear of the unknown, the fear of fully relying on one person to remain true to you, the fear of putting part of my life in someone elses hands, but most importantly, the fear of starting my life.


Whoops. Must have zoned out yet again.

"Sorrt what was the question?"

"Vows. Would you like to start by reading your vows?"

"Sure." I take a second to block everything out except for what matters; my Ty. "Tilly when I first saw you through the computer screen I thought 'One day I will meet him'. Once we met I thought 'one day i will marry him'. Once we starting dating I thought 'one day I will have a family with him' and here we are at our wedding.

"Recently someone asked me what love is. This was my answer. 'Love is the feeling I get in the pit of my stumach that travels up to my ears and down to my toes just by looking at Ty. Love is not wanting to be away from Ty ever, but making the very best out of it when we are. Love is being willing to give up my happiness so Ty can be happy, but not having to because as long as we have eachother we dont need anything else. Love is building eachother up even in the worst situation. Love is different for everyone and can never be fully explained.' I meant every word and I still mean every word. Ty I am absolutely positively in love with you so much that sometimes it physically hurts. It would be honor to call you my husband for the rest of my life."

Of course, he starts crying.

"Damn it Troye! How am I supposed to top that!"

"Ty the world already knows that you are a top." I say winking.

"You'll pay for that later. Troye Sivan you crazy twink. I was worried about dating a guy youmger than me. I thought you would run off as soon as the next young hot gay came by but you've proved me wrong many times. We only have one life to live and I would love to live it side by side with you. No amount of time could ever be enough time spent with you, but lets start with forever."

Now Im the one crying.

The pastor, aka Kory (he got ordained online), handed me the ring.

"Do you Troye Sivan take the Tyler fucking Oakley to be yiur husband forever?"

"I do," I say staring Tilly in the eyes as I slide on his ring.

"Do you Tyl-"

"I do" he says cutting Kory off.

"Bitch let me finish! Do you Tyler Oakley take the Troye twink Sivan to be your husband forever?"

"I do." he slid the ring on my finger.

"I now pronounce you husbands!"

Ty grabbed me by the suit jacket and pulled me in. Our lips met and melted together; the rest of the world fading away.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in years. Final chapter coming soon!

Thank you to everyone who has read my story. I hope you enjoyed!

I actually have another Troyler fanfic I started. Feel free to read it!


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