15. Home Sweet Home

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-Tyler's POV-

Once everyone is seated on the plane, I decide to turn on my phone. I bet it's gonna blow up. I haven't had it on since before the video was posted. I know earlier Troye's was blowing up. Once we got in the car to go to my moms I heard him typing away, tweeting and texting people back. 

I honestly don't regret telling the world before we told our families and friends though. Once my phone powers on, I am bombarded with my notification sounds. For five straight minutes it goes off. I'm pretty sure everyone on the plane was staring at my phone by this point and when I turned the sound off, it started vibrating and when it vibrated, it made an even louder noise, so I put the volume on low. That didn't stop it from being annoying as hell though.

Troye had his hand in mine and his chin on my shoulder as I was checking everything, laughing when he saw something funny pop up.

"Troye I think we killed them."

"Not all of them!" Natalie reminded me.

"Well most of them. The normal reactions to a Troyler video aren't there. On my most recent tweet about staying till the end to find out something, there are hardly any replies!" I said.

"I just checked the Facebook page called Troyler and they haven't posted anything since before the video. They normally post at least one every hour, around the clock." Natalie Stated.

Troye didn't respond but started laughing. He took his hand from mine and pulled out his phone. I saw him pull up Shaun's contact and text him "Dad are you still alive?" It's 2 PM in Australia so He should reply soon. 

"If my dad doesn't text soon, then we will know that they died." Shaun is the biggest Troyler Shipper ever in existence. Connor Tweeted something about being on an airplane and it only got a few hundred favorites and about one hundred replies. 

"Okay something is really wrong. People normally freak out when I say I'm on an airplane and ask where I'm going. This time, pretty much nothing."

I got a notification that Natalie just Tweeted something right before she said "Well nothing has changed on my side of things. Same random tweet with no favorites or replies." I decided to favorite the newest tweet that read "Hello? Any other survivors of the Troyler bomb? Blow a whistle if yas." I also retweeted it. I saw her face light up as she received the notifications. 

"I honestly don't believe that this is real life." She said. "I guess it's true that some dreams become reality."

We all smiled at her in response. 


It was a relatively short plane ride. Laurel text Troye saying Shaun got so excited that he jumped into the pool with is phone in his hand and ruined it. Connor and Natalie planned a collab video while Troye and I checked on our fans.  Most of the fans that we follow on twitter haven't posted anything after they retweeted my tweet about posting a video. Some people say Kim Kardashians ass broke the internet, I say Troyler being real did.

The plane finally landed and we retrieved our luggage. Natalie was star struck as she saw all the fans surround us at the airport. They must have at least seen Connor's tweet and showed up hoping we were coming home. 

"I KNEW YOU GUYS WERE TOGETHER THE WHOLE TIME" This kind of ticked me off.

"You didn't know shit! We weren't together the whole time!" Troye pulled me back and told me to put my stuff in the cab Connor called for. I threw my bags in the back and went to talk to my people a little less on edge. 

I signed over 40 I Can't Stop Watching YouTubers posters, 30 phone cases, and 30 hoodies. It was crazy! Even Natalie was getting asked to sign stuff, which she happily said yes to! 

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