10. Michigan Bound

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-Natalie's POV-

The morning started off like every other week day did; I fought my alarm clock for an extra half our of sleep and won. I turned on the Troye Sivan Pandora station, dragged myself out of bed and threw some clothes on. I put my hair in a head band and ran my fingers through the knots. I put on some deodorant and went to brush my teeth. I went back into my bedroom and put socks on and zombied down the stairs. 

Once I was on the main level, I gave my dog Maddie some petting and went to pour a bowl of cereal, only to find out the milk had expired. Great. I made a sandwich and grabbed a granola bar and put on my shoes. I located my backpack and made sure everything was in it. I told my mom to hurry and that her makeup looked fine. I grabbed my TRXYE jumper and threw it on. I slung my bag over my shoulder and started eating my sandwich while I waited for my mom. Once she came out and put on her coat, she went to start the car.

I let the car warm up for a few minutes before I went out. When I shut the back door, my dog did what she always does when someone comes or goes. She barks her head off like a crazy killer dog, when in fact she is only a foot off the ground and not even 25 pounds. Some killer. I hopped in the car and we made the journey to hell. I put my ear buds in and blocked out the world. Once we arrived on the road that held the building hell was located in, I asked for money for lunch. I got some money and hopped out when she got to the curb. I yelled a quick "Bye mom. Love you. See you at 3:10." and shut the door.

The second I walked into the school, I held myself differently; more confident. In this school, if you don't show confidence, you will get either eaten alive or completely ignored. I wasn't popular but I also wasn’t chewed or ignored. I just kind of float. I don't have any friends in this hell hole and the worst part is that we can't even wear what we want. 

Once I get to my locker I have to take off my jumper (The sweater not the dress). I unwillingly do so and grab the books I need for my first 2 classes. The day starts out with good old Ferguson for Old Testament. I don't mind it but it's not my favorite class either. I manage to stay awake so that’s cool. The bell rings, indicating that we have 4 minutes to get from our 1st class to our 2nd. Lucky for me, I have choir 2nd. We sing a few Christmas pieces that we are singing for our Christmas music concert after the winter break. 

Between 2nd and 3rd, I switch books and grab what I need for 3rd and 4th period; Art and Biology. Art and Biology go as they always go; I half work and half scroll through Twitter while listening to music. But today something strange happened during Biology. My mom text me saying I have a doctors appointment at noon so I have to leave early. YAAS! I text her back with a simple K and finished my lab. Finally the bell rings, telling people with A lunch that we have 29 minutes to be on our phones and eat food.

I dart to my locker, throw my books in there, grab my Algebra book and my jumper and cram them in my bag. I then take off for lunch, excited to be able to leave early. 

About 20 minutes into lunch, my eyes decide to break and my heart stops.

............................................2 and a half hours ago...........

-Troye's POV-

We located Queen Jackie and Dolen right away. Jackie pulled us each into a hug, followed by Dolen. Michigan people must like hugging...

"So Troyler huh?"

"Oh shut up Dolen! We are here on a mission!" Tell him Tilly!

"Speaking of, what's the plan?" Jackie asked.

"Well since only like 9:15, we are going to go to Natalie's mom's work and talk to her. If she's okay with it, we are going to have her call in and say that Natalie has a doctors appointment or something and when she comes out to the car, she's gonna see us and have a heart attack" I explained it as we had all discussed the night before.

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