2. Denial? Nah

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-Troye's POV-

After awakening from my 14 hour nap, I pulled out my phone and got on Tumblr. I pulled up Ty's Tumblr to see that he reblogged a few Troyler gifs only 20 minutes ago. It was only midnight in California so it made sense that he would still be up. I reblog a few of Tyler’s posts before deciding to let sleep take over.

When booking a ticket, I decided to pick the 10am flight so I could arrive in California around 8am so I could spend the whole day chilling, and hopefully cuddling, with Ty.

....... 8 hours later................

I woke up just as we started landing with butterflies in my stomach. Whenever I thought about Ty and I alone I got butterflies and it scared the shit out of me. Is it possible I want to be more than just friends with Ty? I mean sure he is beyond gorgeous, the most selfless person I have ever met, and has super kissable lips. That doesn't mean I want to kiss his kissable lips does it? 

Oh Troye! You and Connor talked about this. It's okay to want more than just a friendship with Tyler. It's okay to have a crush on him. Its okay to get lost in his lips without actually staring at them. It's okay to want to lay with Ty in bed all day. It's okay to get jealous when Tyler flirts with other guys. Could I be falling in love? 

With so many feelings rushing through my head, I almost forget that I am on a plane. In fact almost everyone is now off the plane. I quickly pack up my laptop and walk/ jog to baggage claim. I locate my duffle bag and call a taxi. I give the cabbie (Taxi driver) Ty's address and sit back and enjoy the LA sunrise.

 .......15 minutes later......................

Once we reached Ty's apartment, I paid the Cabbie and walked to Tilly's door. I pulled out the key he gave me last time I was here and let myself in, knowing Ty wouldn't be awake for hours.

I quietly drop my bags in the living room, took off my shoes and jacket, and creep into Tilly's room but I was not prepared for what I saw. In the bed was a beautiful, sleeping, Tyler Oakley wearing nothing but baggy boxers. Taken by the sight, I realize that my breathing hitched. I quickly calmed myself and walked over to the empty side of the bed. I crawled in and carefully scooted closer to Ty. Lucky for me, he was facing this side of the bed.

What I did next surprised even me... I got as close as I could to Tilly and slowly pushed his fallen hair away from his eyes. I started rubbing his arm and got even closer. I managed to get one leg between both of Ty's and put my other on top of all 3. I pulled him in even closer and kissed him on the nose. Noticing that he wasn't waking up, I kissed his cheek not even a centimeter from his lips. Noting he still wasn't waking, I did the unthinkable and kissed him right on the lips. 

I got lost in his lips and didn't even realize they were moving with my own until his hands were wraped in my hair.  


His lips.

Moving with mine.

His hands.

IN MY HAIR?!!!?!!

This can't be happening yet it is.

He pulls away and smiles at me.

"Surprise." It was barely a whisper but I knew he could hear me and that’s all that matters.

"Surprise in deed. If you wanted to kiss me, you didn't have to do it while I was sleeping!" There's that Tyler sass.

"Literally fuck off." Wow Troye not very convincing. 

"Oh just shut up and kiss me." Tyler Fucking Oakley wants ME to kiss HIM? This can't be reality, can it?

"Tilly I" I was cut off by Ty's lips on mine. I quickly returned the kiss.

Far to quickly, he pulled away. "Well this is a great way to start the day." He smiled at his own words and started kissing me again. I could get used to this...


Hey guys hope you're enjoying it so far. I have a real basic outline for this story so if you guys have any suggestions, all are welcome.

If you want, you can follow me on my social media sites. 

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/fiveevertroyler

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Actress_queen    If/ when you follow me on Twitter, Tweet me saying you're here from my Fanfic please!!

Instagram: http://instagram.com/youtube_australia_obsessed/

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