4. That is Not My Job

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-Troyes POV-

The fact that Ty trusted me with his deepest secret is an amazing feeling. 

"I.. I Just wanted you to know. I wanted you to know how much you truly mean to me." I bent down, pulled up his pants, and zipped the zipper and buttoned the button.

I sat down in a dining room chair and patted my lap, telling him to come sit. "Tilly You are perfect just the way you are. If anyone tells you otherwise they can rot in hell where they belong. I'm glad my video helped you though. I meant what I said then and I mean it now."

Tyler, now in tears, starts laughing as I kiss each tear away. 

"Lets bake this cake!" I screeched in Ty's ear causing him to laugh even louder. God I love his laugh. He gets up and pulls me up with him.

"I'll read what we need and you grab it out. Vegetable oil" He's so cute when he takes charge. Well he's always cute but this was extra cute.

"Got it"

"2 eggs"

"Got 'em"


I walked over to the sink, pulled the faucet sprayer out and squirt him right in the face.

"Got it!"

"TROYE!!!!" His American accent is beautiful. He lingered on the E and I couldn't help but smile.

"What?" I looked at him with innocent eyes.

"You cute little shit!" He runs over to me and hugs me, whipping his face all over my shirt.


"I love the way you say my name." At his words, I lean down and plant a kiss on his lips. This time, just like every other, fireworks fly and flutters fill my stomach. I could kiss this man forever ever.

"Lets finish the cake!" I demand.

"Fine but I'll get the half cup of water!"

"As long as I get to lick the spoon!" With that said, I kissed him on the lips and walked over to the cake mix. I added the 2 eggs, measured 1/3 cups oil and poured it in, and waited for Ty to bring over the 1/2 cup of water. He brought it over and poured it in. I picked up the spoon and put it in Ty’s hand. Once it was in his hand I placed my hand over his. Together we mixed the cake and the ingredients until it was the perfect cake batter. I released Ty's hand and he released the spoon. I leaned over and grabbed the new cake pan and unwrapped it. 

"I cannot believe you didn't own a cake pan."

"I didn't like baking."

"Didn't? Like past tense?"

"Yep. I like baking with you."

No words. I literally couldn't find any words. How is it that this little act of love could make me melt? 

"How do you do that?" 

"Do what?" Is he that oblivious?

"How can you make me fall even harder for you with something as simple as saying you like baking with me?"

"That's what is different with our... well whatever this is. We love the little things the other does or says. For example I love the way you create songs for your fans at the end of every year, recapping things that happened."

"What is this? Like what do we want this to be? We can't exactly be best friends who like to make out and cuddle. Can we?"

"I don’t know. What do you want this to be?"

I had been asking myself that question for as long as I could remember. "Remember when we did the Boyfriend Tag but it wasn't real?"


"Well. Lets do it for real." cheeky? Oh well. He won't care. 

At my words he leaned up and kissed me, biting my lip asking for permission to deepen the kiss. I gladly allowed him entrance. The flutters were going crazy! The fireworks were bigger than they have ever been, yet all too soon it ended when the need for air became too much.

"We really need to finish this cake.." I said, remembering that we had yet to pre heat the oven.


"400." With that said, we waited for the oven to heat up. Once it finally dinged declaring it was hot enough, Ty popped the cake in. I grabbed the dirty bowl and glided my finger across the leftover cake batter. I ran over to Ty and rubbed it all over his face. 

"You little fucker!" Before I even realized what was happening, he took the bowl from my hand and put it on my head. Chocolate batter dripped down onto my nose! I pulled it off, quickly scooped some up, and threw it at Ty. Half of it hit him in the shoulder and the other half found its way onto his white cabinets. He pulled me over to him and licked the rest of the icing off my nose and the flutters returned. I was falling in love far to quickly, yet at the same time I'm only 19 and don't really know what love is...

I grab a paper owl, get it wet, and hand it to Ty to wipe off the cabinet. He hands it back to me and says "That is not my job!" The sass in his voice was more than I have ever heard before! How can one person have this much sass? After his sassy statement, he put the bowl in the dishwasher and ran out of the kitchen. I quickly wiped the cabinet down and went to find Ty.

I found Tilly sitting in the living room in a different shirt on his laptop. Actually it was my shirt!

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I stated noticing how sticky my hair was. 

"I take it you know where the towels are?"

"Of course I do Tilly." After our first collab, I never paid for another hotel room in LA again. Ty always let me crash here. Actually on a few occasions he practically begged me to stay with him. Truth be told I sleep better when I'm in the same bed as him.

I'm glad I get to call this wonderful man my boyfriend.

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