Chapter 2 - Singing In A Bar

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After the unexpected encounter with the strange Caddie girl, Scott and Stiles had decided that they needed more information from her. A few minutes of incessantly bugging Lydia for information on her 'friend', the two were able to find out that Adelina worked in a small local bar named 'Neon Nights' and wasted no energy heading over there.

Before even being able to leave the schools parking lot, a rough hand grabbed the collars of both Scott and Stiles, holding them in place from behind. "Derek, what the hell dude?" Stiles huffed in confusion, grabbing onto the arm of Derek's shiny leather jacket. Immediately, his green eyes glanced between the hand on his arm and Stiles eyes, burrowing intimidation through him. Quickly removing his hand, Stiles waved both hands as his eyes went wend and he manages to stutter out, "I-i'm taking my hand off."

After successfully grabbing the two boys attention, he released the scruff of their collars. "I'm going with you." His hoarse voice spoke, telling rather than asking. Stiles' arms flung upwards in frustration before he turned to meet Derek's glare, flinching backwards.

"If you come with us, then you do things my way. You don't try to attack her or intimidate her. You let me handle the talking." Scott pointed at him, a warning in his eyes as he watched Derek for a reaction.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance. Then began walking towards his pristine black camaro. His attempt to enter the car was cut off by Stiles' voice calling out to him from his beaten blue jeep.

"Why do you want to go anyway?" His eyebrow cooked upwards.

"Because I don't trust her." He stated simply before sitting in the car, turning the ignition and following the blue jeep through the dimly lit streets of Beacon Hills.


The sky was dismal and grey overhead when the two cars finally came to a stop. As the three of them stepped out of their cars, they looked up at the building infront of them. It was by no means a fancy building. It was dilapidated. The brick work had come loose in certain spots and giant cracks began to climb up the exterior of the building. The glowing sign above the door read 'Neon Nights', except the 's' inconsistently flickered on and off, making it uncomfortable to look at.

Approaching the door, Scott's hand reached for the handle as he pushed it down and open. The door shifted loosely open and creaked uncomfortably at its hinges. Cautiously entering, the three looked around, impressed by its upkept interior, as opposed to its worn out exterior.

The whole place was surprisingly clean and almost completely filled with drunk men and women chatting, eating or offering drunk ramblings.

In the corner of the room, was a raised platform showing multiple musical instruments: a drum kit, a keyboard, two guitars and multiple microphones. However, Derek's eyes almost immediately landed on the slender figure with dark brown hair that had two bleach white strands just above her ears.  She was standing infront of the microphone, a bead of sweat slowly dripping down her forehead. Her eyes closed in concentration and her plump lips forming into a smile as she sang.

Everyone was completely infatuated with her presence on stage and his eyes trailed down her neck towards her body. The tight light grey, v-neck crop top that exposed her chest slightly. The oversized black leather jacket covered with studs and buckles. Black, denim jeans that had rips on the thighs and fit like a glove. And chunky, black lace-up hiker boots.

He unknowingly found himself admiring her body, his tongue slowly tracing his lower lip. Then he was pulled to a booth in the bar, slowly relaxing into the comfort of the red leather seats. He was sure that Stiles and Scott had started talking but couldn't focus on the conversation as his eyes stayed pinned to Adelina. It was then that he became aware of a feeling of desire dwelling deep inside him, something he hadn't felt in a long time.

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