Chapter 21 - Girls Night

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Adelina woke in the morning with Derek's hands wrapped around her waist. Their naked forms were pressed together and their legs tangled under the sheets.

She could feel every kiss that he placed on her body last night, every touch, and it felt amazing. Her eyes lingered on Derek who was still sleeping, she admired the man before her. Everything was perfect.

Then she remembered yesterday. The argument they had because Derek was jealous over the new guy, Michael, who showed an interest in Adelina. And Isaac. Why did he bring Isaac into their argument? Isaac wasn't interested in Adelina romantically was he?

Concluding that the idea was bizarre and Derek was just being protective, she shook the idea off. After all, Isaac was her best friend.

She slowly got up being sure not to wake Derek. Standing up, she noticed the uncomfortable pain she felt. Sure they had angry sex last night but just how rough were they?

Glancing around the loft, she found herself thankful that neither Peter nor Isaac had came in last night or she'd be having an awkward conversation right about now. Turning into the bathroom, she saw the reflection of her body. Her hair was a wild mess and she followed the trail of purple and red hickeys that lead from her neck down to her thighs.

After taking a quick shower, she dried her hair and got changed. She decided on black leggings and a maroon turtleneck sweater with matching maroon converse. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun, her white streaks of hair falling freely from the top of her ears.

Checking to see that Derek wasn't awake, she quietly grabbed her bag and headed toward school. She wasn't avoiding Derek because she regretted last night, she was avoiding him because she wasn't sure how to feel. Obviously she enjoyed it and she knew that she wanted to get with Derek for a while now. But she promised herself weeks ago that she would stop being involved in the supernatural. Yet Derek made this hard for her. Adelina knew that it wasn't just a physical or sexual attraction she had for Derek, but she genuinely cared for him and had deep feelings for him. She just didn't know if she was ready for it yet.


Adelina, Allison and Lydia were all sitting in English class. Adelina was sat next to a window and constantly found herself staring out if it. Thanks to Derek she found it absolutely impossible to concentrate in any of her lessons. Evertime she closed her eyes she could see the scene replaying. His hands exploring her body and his lips connecting harshly onto hers. The butterflies she felt caused her to squirm.

Allison and Lydia had noticed Adelinas strange behaviour. They saw how she would space out then shiver as her whole face flushed pink. Scott and Stiles on the other hand hadn't noticed a thing.

Allison watched as the girl to her left blushed again, this time pulling on the neck of her sweater like she was trying to cool down. It was then that Allison saw it, the small purple and red stains on her friends neck. Adelina had hickeys. A wide grin spread across her lips before she turned to Lydia and leaned over to her whispering, "Adi has hickeys on her neck."

Lydia snapped her head to Adelina just as she began blushing again, the shocked expression on her face slowly morphing into a proud smile. She wanted to know every little detail about where Adelina got the hickeys from, but knew she'd never say anything if one of the boys could hear. And with Scott, Isaac and Derek having supernatural hearing, she formed a plan so that Adelina would be able to tell her.

"Adi!" Lydia chirped as she hooked her arm with Adelina's. The school day had ended and they were all walking to the parking lot. "Why don't you hang out with me and Allison today? Have a girls day, no boys." Allison sent Lydia a knowing smirk, she knew exactly what she had planned.

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