Chapter 36 - Michael Jones

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Stood waiting in the locker room, Adelinas foot tapped nervously on the ground, creating a soft rhythm. Her eyes found themselves glancing over to the showers and lingering there for a few seconds before returning to an intense stare at the locker room door.

After the lovely slice of normalcy with Derek last night, Isaac, Scott, Stiles and Leo showed up at the loft, late into the night. It was then that Adelina told them all about what happened with Michael. Stiles and Adelina were convinced that it couldn't be a coincidence, Micahel shows up a few months after the hunters and werewolves. To say they were skeptical was an understatement. Leo too had eventually joined their thought process, it only took him hearing that Adelina didn't trust the situation to agree with her. Besides, he trusted her, and that was all the information he needed.

Scott and Isaac on the other hand weren't so convinced. Scott really wanted to believe that at least someone wasn't involved in all this mess, but deep down, he knew it was a possibility he couldn't ignore. Isaac trusted Scott implicitly, so ultimately agreed with him.

Derek didn't know who he agreed with. Like Scott, he wanted to believe that something could be a coincidence just once. But at the same time, Michael's arrival and his obsession with Adelina was far too risky to ignore. But mostly he just didn't like how Michael always bothered his girlfriend.

So that's how Adelina ended up stood in the boys locker room half an hour before classes started on a Tuesday morning. The school was mostly empty, what with it being mid February and students feeling unbothered about getting to school early in spring.

Her eyes found the showers again before darting in the direction of the locker room door as it swung open. She heard him before she saw him, the light thud of his shoes as the door clicked behind him. Then his footsteps growing closer towards the back of the room, where she was stood. She found herself drawn to how unnaturally light his footsteps were, how stealthy and sly they sounded, something not very common in most normal people. But that begs the question, was Michael normal, or was he too caught up in the supernatural world?

Then she saw him. A tall, lean yet muscular figure, casually propped on the side of the locker. His light blonde hair was tamed into a point on top of his head and his vibrant blue eyes bore into hers. A smug smirk playing on his lips as he eyed her.

She found herself gulping under his intense stare, something he'd been doing since they met.

"I think this is the first time we've been alone together." He started, the same confident and cocky edge to his voice, "I'd prefer if all our meetings are like this from now on."

She found her eyes quickly glance to the showers before landing on Michael again. Pushing down her uneasiness, she ignored his comment and attempted a confident tone, "We can talk. You said you know about some stuff. So I have questions and I'm sure you do too."

Michael stared at her for a second, his eyes intimidating her before he let out a playful chuckle. "You really are all business, aren't you? I find it hot personally, the way you won't beat around the bush. Why not just enjoy each others company before we talk?"

"Fine. Then I can just leave." She responded calmly, turning on the balls of her heels, ready to exit the room.

"Don't." Michael cautioned harshly, taking an intimidating step toward her. The usual cocky, playful glint in his eye now replaced with something much more dangerous, almost as if he were warning her. She felt herself flinch, she'd never seen him like that before. It was then that she felt a pang of fear from the deathly look he was giving her.The first time she felt scared of Michael Jones.

But as quick as that dangerous glint flickered in his eyes, it disappeared again, returning to its usual overly confident nature. "Why don't you start? I'm more than happy to answer your questions." He stated as he motioned with his hand to the locker she had been previously standing by. On his lips danced a devilish smile, disguised as one of genuine and friendly intent.

Warily, her feet carried her back to the locker but not before her eyes found themselves back on the showers. As she stood there, she found her arms wrapping around herself, like it was some form of protection.

She drew in a deep breath, praying that Michael didn't notice the way it slightly shook, "How did you find out?"

"About the werewolves?" He raised a brow to which she nodded her head. Lingering his eyes on her yet again, he bit his lip between his teeth before starting, "I used to live in Beacon Hills a few years ago. But my parents divorced and I moved with my dad to Colorado before freshman year. You see, my old man is a business man, always away for long trips, doing god knows what. So our neighbour used to look after me while my dad was away. I grew pretty close to their older son." Once again his eyes locked with hers, squinting slightly as he smirked at her, "Ofcourse that was until he tried to rip me apart during a full moon. I barely managed to run from his house then across the road, before he got hit by a van and took off into the woods."

His smirk only seemed to grow as he watched how she squirmed under his stare. Now she really did feel uncomfortable around him, moreso than she did before. In an attempt to break the uncomfortable atmosphere, she voiced the one thought on her mind, "So why did you come back to Beacon Hills?"

For only a second, he furrowed his brows. Then he took a small step toward her, a large smile on his face, "My dad died while on a business trip. Law says I can't be left alone while I'm only 17. So I had to come back to live with my mom. Besides," taking another larger step toward her so he was only about a foot from her, he stared into her eyes intensely again. Adelina could feel the way her heart raced at the proximity, she was nervous, dare she say scared. "If I didn't come back, I wouldn't have laid eyes upon the most beautiful woman in existence." The words were slow and soft, drawn out in an almost eerie manner.

Feeling the sweat begin to soak her palms, she tried to avoid eye contact with the blonde infront of her. Then the bell rang, signalling the start of classes and she let out a silent sigh of relief. But her relief was cut short as Michael suddenly pushed up against her, leaving only millimetres between their bodies. His warm breath pricked at her skin as her heart began pounding rapidly in her chest. She tried her best to calm her uneven and shaky breathing, but found it impossible.

Michael let out a hum, the corners of his lips turning upwards into a satisfied smirk. Then he spoke with a low tone, his eyes never leaving hers, "That's a shame. I really wanted to spend more time with you."

Picking up a strand of her hair, he began to gently twirl it between his fingers. Her eyes darted almost pleadingly to the showers, too scared to look Michael in the eyes. "I guess we can hang out again some time soon." He spoke again, this time his eyes entranced with the lock of hair wrapped softly around his fingers. Bringing his head down to her neck, she inhaled sharply. Then he sniffed. She could feel as her heart violently beat, but she held a mostly blank expression on her face, trying not to show just how scared she actually was. As he chuckled, she could feel the vibration of his chest against her own, then he mumbled into her hair, "Sweet like honey."

Before painstakingly slowly stepping away from her and walking victoriously out of the locker room. It was only when she heard the door click behind him that she was able to let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding.

At the same time, the quick patter of footsteps drew her eyes to the showers where a shocked Stiles, a worried Scott, and an angry Isaac began making their way toward her.

She hadn't even realised the tears that fell from her eyes until Isaacs hands had reached her cheeks and gently wiped them away. His long arms engulfed her as he pulled her into his chest, whispering comfortingly as he carefully kissed the top of her head, "It's okay. Shh, shh, you're alright."

For a few minutes, she allowed the tears to fall as she sunk into her best friend. Never had she felt scared of Michael until that moment.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now