Chapter 9 - Exhausted

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Scott, Derek and Isaac had finally arrived at the bar for the the third time that week. And wasting no time, they swiftly entered, Adelina on all of their minds. Being a Saturday, the bar was awfully busy. Drunks were everywhere and their shouts filled the room. Server's were zipping up and down from the bar and tables delivering drinks.

In the sea of people, they couldn't seem to spot Adelina so they found themselves up at the bar, questioning the man who had spoken to Adelina on multiple occasions. "We're looking for Adelina, is she here?" Scott asked politely. The man was quite skinny and on the taller side, he was taller than Adelina but not as tall as Isaac. Isaac was taller than both Derek and Scott but Derek was taller than Scott.

With a beaming smile, the man looked at them, "Yeah she's over there." All three of their eyes followed his finger as he pointed to the other side of the room. There they saw her, she was carrying a tray full of drinks over to a table to serve them. Her hair was disheveled and multiple beads of sweat fell from her flushed red face.

Just as they were about to make their way over to her, the bartender spoke again leaning over the bar, "You three are friends of hers right? So maybe you can try and get her to slow down. She won't listen to me."

Derek raised his brow at the man, "Slow down?"

"Yeah! She's been here for two days, she won't take a break. She didnt even go home last night she just kept working! I tell you what that girls gonna tire herself out." The man warned before turning to a customer at the bar and serving him a drink.

The three of them exchanged quick glances before maneuvering their way through the crowd towards her. As soon as they reached her, the dark circles under her eyes became apparent and the sound of her racing heart mixed with her heavy breathing echoed through them. "Adi?" Isaac called out almost excited to see, yet worried due to her fatigued appearance.

"Oh hey." She gasped as she tried to catch her breath, bringing her hand to fan at her face in an attempt to cool down.

Scott looked at her worried as he softly placed his hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I've just gotta finish this and then I can talk for five minutes. Not longer though, I need to work." Her hands had tried to lift a tray of empty glasses but this proved difficult due to her fatigued muscles incessant shaking.

Shaking his head, Derek stepped closer to her, pushing the tray she barely managed to lift back down to the table with ease. "Stop." His gruff voice commanded.

"What are you doing? I'm trying to work." She spoke through gritted teeth as she struggled to lift the tray.

"You're tired. Stop." He stated before forcing her hands away from the tray.

"I'm fine." Her jaw clenched as she glared up at Derek.

"You didn't go home last night and instead stayed here working." His patronising tone caused her to clench her jaw in irritation. Despite only knowing Derek for about a week, he had found a way to involve himself in everything she did and she was staring to grow tired of it.

"Stop trying to get involved in my life!" Shouting the words at him, she quickly spun around ready to leave. But her quick turn caused a wave of dizziness to wash over her as she could feel her legs give way beneath her. Derek was right. She was tired. She was exhausted. She refused to stop working and started taking as many shifts as she could due to her desperation for money. And now she was paying the price.

Just as she felt herself losing consciousness, two arms wrapped around her before she was scooped up into someone's hold. The familiar scent of the woods and cologne filling her.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now