Chapter 35 - Under The Stars

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Micahel knew about the werewolves. He knew that Adelina was involved with them. How long had he known? Had something happened, did he witness something supernatural? Something that science and mere logic couldn't explain. Or was he involved in something else, something much bigger? Either way, him knowing about the supernatural just complicated things.

If he was new to this world then he would be hanging around like a fly, buzzing for answers to his endless questions. If he wasn't, we'll he would probably be still bothering her. After all, he's had this weird obsession of getting to hang out with Adelina since he joined the school.

Now it would be even harder to try and find clues about the alpha and its pack if they had to babysit someone else. They already had Leo, not that they minded since he was so scared and so young. But Michael, Adelina really didn't want to deal with him.

After his sudden confession, Adelina ran from him. Up to the locker room to quickly shower and change. She had hoped to leave school early but she couldn't leave Leo, not when he was still so on edge when she wasn't around. Something she still didn't understand. It seemed that everything was just a question of 'why' or 'how' now. And her head was spinning with all these new thoughts charging through her brain.

She had spent the rest of the day avoiding Michael. Which was luckily only one more hour until they could go home. She didnt want to question him while she was alone. Instead she would wait to tell the others and they could question him together. She still didn't trust Michael, but she couldn't understand why. That was another question for the whirlpool of questions swimming in her mind.

Despite avoiding him, she kept her eyes on him like a hawk, suddenly very aware of his presence. It was only now that she noticed how much he was around her, not Scott or Stiles or anyone else, but her.

They shared most of their classes together, something she'd only just realised. And when they sat at lunch he would sit at a table that left her in the centre of his view. Even his locker was only a few feet from hers. To say that this unnerved was an understatement. She was freaked. Considering she didn't really pay much attention to him before, knowing just how much he would be in the vicinity as her now made her uncomfortable.

Sitting in her last class, English, Adelina was very aware of Michael's intense and victorious stare on her. It made her squirm in her seat and caused her body to flood with nerves. No one else seemed to even notice Michael, not Scott or Allison, not even Isaac who sat just one seat away to his left, seperated by another student.

To her, it felt like this was what Michael wanted. To make her very aware of his presence, to always be looking out for him. And by the heavens was he doing it excellently.

When the bell finally rung she almost ran from the classroom. With everything going on the past few days, from seeing the body on the fence, to coming face to face with the Alpha and now Michael's incessant and knowing stares, Adelina had finally had enough. Her whole body was on hyper drive and she couldn't focus on what she was feeling. Was it fear, anger, nervousness, annoyance? She just wanted one day where she could forget everything happening around her. One day to calm and collect her thoughts. And little did she know that someone was going to give her exactly what she wanted.


Her prayers where answered and her saviour came in the form of Derek Hale. Picking her up from school, Derek had a plan. He was aware of just how stressed Adelina was, no matter how good she thought she was at hiding it. So he spent the day after leaving Adelina in the parking lot that morning planning a surprise for her.

He texted Scott to keep Isaac and Leo away for a while, and Scott being the amazing person he is, managed it flawlessly. Scott knew that Leo was still rather uncomfortable with anyone that wasn't him or Adelina, but as soon as he mentioned pizza and games, Leo was more than happy to go with him. So Scott, Stiles, Isaac and Leo were now having a hangout night and Scott's house, completely unaware of the real reason for the spontaneous event.

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