Chapter 28 - Deja Vu

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Whilst still in a state of shock and lingering guilt in Isaacs embrace, Scott and Stiles came skidding around the corner to meet them. Stiles had came around the corner a little too fast as he almost slid into the wall and stumbled to regain his composure. Both their brows momentarily furrowed upon noticing the intimate position of Isaac and Adelina. Then Scott's worried voice called out to them as he looked around frantically.

"What happened? Your chemosignals are going crazy. I can smell your anger," He pointed at Isaac who reluctantly stepped away from Adelina, "and you're fear and anxiety from the other side of the school." He finished by pointing at Adelina.

As she cleared her throat to speak, Isaac immediately cut her off, a scowl forming on his face, "Jake put his hands on her." At the mention of the name, Isaac let out a low growl which caused Scott to give him a sharp warning look.

"He what?! Did he hurt you?!" Stiles suddenly rushed up to her, placing his hands on her arms as he looked her over.

"No he didn't." She brushed him off, "We just spoke."

Isaac turned to her with a glare, though she knew it wasn't meant for her, just the situation, "Ady, he had a grip on your arm like he was ready tear it off!"

Scott placed his arm in front of Isaac whilst giving him a warning look to control his temper before speaking to Adelina, "Why would you speak to him?"

She noticed how he eyed her with both suspicion and concern. Deciding that it was best they knew what he said she spoke to them with a sigh, "He texted me saying that he wanted to talk about something important. But when I got there he just told me that Beacon Hills wasn't safe and that I should leave. That none of you would be able to protect me." Unconsciously she bit her lip at her last statement. She didnt know how they would react to it and hoped that it wouldn't cause more tension with Jake.

"Well clearly he hasn't met our keen teen wolf/hunter/human and whatever the hell Lydia is senses." Stiles smiled somewhat proudly.

"That's not the worst part though..." her voice trailed off as she glanced between the three boys. Scott nodded his head as a signal to carry on and she did so, "I'm pretty sure he knows something about the werewolf pack and the hunters. When I asked him about it he just completely avoided the question."

After a few seconds of them taking in the information, Scott spoke up, a stern yet confident edge to his voice, "Then we find out what he knows."


"You're home early." Derek stated as he stood up watching Adelina walk through the door of the loft.

In response she hummed before dropping her bag by the sofa. Bringing her hands to the back of her neck, she rolled her shoulders and massaged lightly, feeling a slight ache in her neck.

"Did something happen? You're meant to be in school." He half lectured as he walked behind her, his hands reaching up to her shoulders as he lightly pressed, easing some of the achiness.

"No. I mean yes, but I'm perfectly fine before you ask." She protested, a slight frustration that immediately disappeared when Derek let out a small chuckle from behind her. The sound sending shivers up and down her body.

"Okay." He moved his hands from her shoulders and walked in front of her, "I won't." He grinned. His playful tone causing her to fight the urge to smile.

"So what did happen?" His voice a little more serious as folded his arms over his chest.

"Promise you won't get mad?" At her words his brows furrowed before he nodded slightly, not knowing what to expect. After letting out a small sigh, she carried on, "Jake asked to meet so we could talk." She paused for a second to examine Derek's reaction, yet he only wore a stoic expression. "He told me that I should get out of Beacon Hills while I still had a chance because he thinks that if I stay here, I'm gonna end up dead. Because Scott and, you, can't protect me..."

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now