Chapter 3 - Instinct

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After her sudden disappearance from the bar, and the lack of information, Scott and Stiles felt obliged to finally get some answers from this mystery girl. Yet much to their dismay, there had been no sighting of her for three days.

It was the end of the school day, the bell had finished its earsplitting ringing, groups of excited students clamoured their way back to a vehicle to return home for the night. Yet at the schools parking lot, a group of people stood impatiently around a half beaten blue jeep.

All eyes fell to Stiles as he continued his pacing in front of the car, a hand running through his tousled hair and huffing a sigh of exasperation. It was only when Scott's frustrated voice cried out to him that his incessant pacing came to a halt. "Stiles!"

"Okay." Stiles had suddenly sprang back to his usual overly energetic self, walking to the jeeps hood. His feet had been unable to stay still as he hopped from one foot to another, his hands rasing to his side and opening in a dramatic fashion. "The only thing I can think off is that she's completely avoiding us or she really is supernatural and is killing a bunch of people so we will probably find a bunch of dead bodies soon, or ... she is dead herself."

At his last words, Derek felt a sudden knot forming in his chest. He couldn't explain what it was but something about the way the beautiful girl had reacted the other night, really put him on edge. With a roll of his eyes, his signature scowl glared Stiles' way.

At the same time, Allison's Sweet voice had sounded out to him. "Stiles that's ridiculous. Derek says she's human and there's just no way she's dead." Although the words had left her lips, Allison couldn't help but ponder the last part of her statement. Ofcourse she didn't want to believe that the fiery girl could be dead, but her lack of appearance for the last three days wasn't helping the situation.

Scott's fingers had turned to tapping lightly on the hood of Stiles' jeep. His mind thinking through all the possibilities surrounding the missing girl. The four stood pondering, Allison biting her lip, Stiles returning to pacing.

But as Derek drew in a deep breath, he  could smell it. The undeniably fruity scent that filled him inside. His head snapped to his left. There, walking inside of the building, was a tall, lean boy with black curtain styled hair. His skin was a golden tan and his eyes a deep brown. A black and red stripped jumper, covered with meticulously placed holes and rips, sat loosely on his shoulders. Black skinny jeans and chunky black boots covered his legs and feet.

Derek eyed him suspiciously. This was definitely not Adelina, yet he was unmistakably covered in her sweet scent. His feet had already started moving to the stranger as he called out to Scott, Stiles and Allison, "I have her scent."

Stiles had flung around so quickly with his mouth agape in disbelief that Scott wondered how he didn't get whiplash. "You have her scent? What do you mean, you can find out where she is?" The words blurted excitedly from his mouth.

Without turning around, Derek called back, his eyes still fixed on the stranger. "Something like that." The same bad feeling beginning to rise in his stomach again.

Scott and Stiles had been following Derek through the halls for a few minutes. Allison had to return home as her father had picked her up impatiently from the parking lot. Chris Argent knew about the string of homicides, and was constantly on alert for any suspicious supernaturals.

Pushing briskly past any students still lingering in the halls, the three came to a stop. Down the corridor, there she stood. A wave of relief washed over Derek as he eyed her, he too was unsure of why he was so relieved to see her. Yet this was short lived as his eyes lingered on hers. Red and puffy, glossed over with tears streaming down her face and thin lines of black threatening to fall to her cheeks.

The three of them watched the scene, uncomfortable as they wondered whether they were watching something personal. Her fists had came crashing down onto a boys chest, the same one Derek had caught her scent on. His chest moved slightly at the impact, but overall it had no effect on him. His deep brown eyes rolled in frustration before his long arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly in place. After a few seconds of struggling to get away from the boy, Adelina stopped, her head resting on his chest as soft sobs escaped her lips.

Derek focused intently on her, her heart was pacing faster than he had ever heard it. The girl was clearly riled up about something.

Then she suddenly and harshly pulled  away from his chest, swiftly walking away from him. "Addie!" The boy roared out in frustration, yet he made no attempt to go after her.

Continuing her rapid get away, Adelina wanted nothing more than to just run away from everything, from the world. However, through her glossy eyes she couldn't see the three men infront of her, who had watched the scene unfold.

Scott's hand had unknowingly reached out to her, grabbing a light and careful hold of her wrist. He spoke softly toward her, his eyes full of sympathy, "Adelina-" was all he could get out before her wrist ripped violently from his hold.

Her whole body had turned quickly to face them, a distraught expression on her face. Derek was unknowingly admiring how beautiful she looked whilst crying, her eyes like crystals and the way she bit her lip softly for comfort.

"I'm not interested in your- in your supernatural bullshit!" Her voice was a weak sob, laced with sadness and anger. Then as quickly as they had found her, she disappeared behind the doors and left them stood there, utterly shocked again.

A loud bang, followed by a bellowing "Fuck!" sounded behind them. Derek was the first to turn, his eyes narrowing on the tall boy again. Derek could sense it, and he knew Scott could too, this boy was a werewolf.


"Okay so she was fighting, I think, with this guy and then she ran off crying." Scott's voice was lined with sympathy as he looked up to Lydia, praying that she had some answers.

"No I don't think she was fighting. She was having a very happy conversation with someone and those were just tears of overwhelming joy." Stiles had suddenly perked up, his obvious sarcasm earning a glare from both Scott and Derek.

After this, Derek huffed in frustration, "Look, you said she was a friend of yours. So anything that can help would be useful." Despite his obvious attempt at being friendly towards Lydia, his face still held his signature scowl.

She hummed as she pursed her lips together, tilting her head to think, "Okay. The guy she was fighting with. His name is Jake Talot, one of those grungy hotties. The two practically moved here together 5 months ago and they were clearly dating. But he cheated on her like 10 times already so she's been avoiding him the past week. I guess she finally deciding to confront him. But he's totally an ass."

"Yeah, I guess you missed the part where he's totally a werewolf." Stiles huffed as he drooped into the chair next to Lydia.

Being completely shocked by the information, Lydia's eyes opened wide as she opened her mouth to say something before promptly shutting it again, not finding any words to say.

"So could he be the reason that she knows about the supernatural? Or-" Scott's brows furrowed as he thought through his next words, "Could he be the one killing people?" They all pondered his suggestion. It sounded plausible but Derek wasn't so sure to agree.

"If he is killing people, he's not the only one. We saw the bodies. Some of them weren't killed by werewolves. A wendigo is definitely involved in all of this." He mumbled as he brought his hand to his chin, trying to think things through.

Lydia had finally recovered from her shock and was able to speak up again, "Well whatever it is, we know that Adi knows more than she's told us. So we should speak to her about it."

The same bad feeling rose in his stomach again at the mention of her name. Derek didn't want to believe that she was some human protecting supernaturals who murder people. She was just a beautiful girl who was dating a werewolf who cheated on her, and knew more than she let on. His Instinct told him that he needed to know more, to know her.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now