Chapter 15 - A Helpful Favour

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Just like she had wanted, Adelina had found herself in a pizzeria with all her friends surrounding her. They all watched as she took the first bite of a slice of plain cheese pizza, letting out fits of laughter as her eyes rolled and a moan of satisfaction left her lips. "Now that," she pointed to the pizza, "Is some good pizza."

Then everyone also began munching happily on their pizza. Her eyes met with Derek's from across the table, and he did that frustratingly attractive move where he lifted one eye brow in a smug manner. As the smirk formed on his lips, she looked away from him blushing, realising that he had heard her moan because of a pizza.

Whilst trying to avoid Derek's stare due to embarrassment, her eyes momentarily locked with Stiles', who had been watching the two of them intently. Pretending he didn't see anything, he grabbed a slice of pizza and stuffed it into his mouth. Then she realised that he had seen her blushing at Derek. She glanced around at everyone else but thankfully they didn't seem to have saw what happened.

When they all finished eating, they made their way back to their cars. But Adelina stopped, noticing the familiar area that she was in. Her apartment was only a few blocks from here. "Hey, aren't you getting in?" Allison asked as she leaned on the open car door, pulling Adelina from her thoughts.

Taking one last look around she turned to Allison, "I think I'm gonna walk back to my apartment." It was only a few blocks, a 10 minute walk maybe, considering that she had to walk slower due to her sore body.

They all stared at her, confused and dazed. "You just got out of a hospital after being in a coma for two days." Lydia stated confused.

"Yeah, you shouldn't be putting too much strain on your body." Isaac said as he took a step toward her, the worry evident in his voice.

"I won't." Adelina protested, "It's only a few blocks. And I promise I won't die by walking for a few minutes."

"Then we'll go with you." Scott and Stiles had already started walking toward her.

She let out a slight sigh, she appreciated them caring for her but she just wanted some time to think, alone. Being as polite as she could be, she dismissed them, "No I just- I need some time on my own."

Despite being against the idea, they understood. She'd just been in a car crash and could've died, she spent two days unconscious and now she just wanted time to think it through.

Derek turned to her, his expression softening, "Be careful."

With a smile she responded, "I will." After a slow nod of his head he got into his car, Isaac reluctantly following behind. Then she stood there and watched as one by one they drove off, giving her time to soak in her thoughts.

She walked a few paces, stopping at a metal bench that was sat between two trees just off from the sidewalk. Sitting down, she could feel the cold of the metal tingle through her clothes. All she did was sit. Her mind replayed the crash, she could see it clearly infront of her, playing as if she were sitting in a movie theatre. Shaking the thought, the worried faces of her friends popped into view. Despite not knowing them too well, they were the closest things she had to friends. The only other people she had ever been close to or shared a bond with were Jake and her family.

But Jake had betrayed her and her family... Well her family was complicated. For starters, her real parents died when she was young, around 6 years old. Close friends of theirs took her in and raised her as one of their own. They always told her stories of her real parents which made her miss them deeply. Nevertheless, she loved them and they loved her as if she were really their child. Adelina also had two brothers, sons of her foster parents. The brothers were identical twins and were one day bitten by an alpha. Due to the close relationship that the three of them shared, Adelina learned about the supernatural through their transition. Eventually they moved away from their parents in order to keep them protected from the supernatural world. The three of them found themselves in California and it was here that she met Jake. Her brothers decided to join the alpha that bit them and due to her being a human, she couldn't join them. Instead she found herself staying with Jake, he too was running away from his parents after he was bitten by an alpha, though not the same one that bit her brothers. It was strange at first, two 15 year olds running away to England to tour the country for four years. But it made complete sense to them and the two grew inseparably close.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now