Chapter 16 - Peter's A Tease

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The large door slid across as Derek motioned for Adelina to go in first. Nervously she walked inside with Derek behind her. This wasn't the first time that Adelina had been in his home, it wasn't even the first time that she had slept in his home. But now that Derek had offered for her to live with him and Isaac, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

She came to a stop when she noticed a figure sitting on a chair facing the large window. His feet where resting on the table in front of him. "What do you want Peter?" Derek groaned as he closed the door, he hadn't even turned around and yet he knew that Peter was the one intruding in his home.

Peter stood up as he turned to face the two of them with his signature smirk, "Derek. Adelina. I'm obviously here to grace you with my presence." Derek rolled his eyes as he took Adelinas bag and walked over to the couch, placing it down. Peter walked over to Adelina, his brow raised in confusion as he looked her up and down, eyeing her red and puffy eyes, the multiple cuts and bruises and the cast on her left wrist. "What battle did you lose miserably?"

In response she scoffed, "I was in a coma for two days after a car crash."

"Oh. Sounds fun." He smiled before turning back to Derek. Derek had begun setting out a blanket and pillow on the couch. "Why are you here Peter? I doubt you wanted the company." He asked as he sounded irritated by Peter's presence.

"Ofcourse I wouldn't want the company. Especially not if the two of you decide to pounce on each other again." He smirked between Derek and Adelina, sending her a wink as he did. "But alas, I'm here because a certain skin chewing freak tried to bite my face off this morning."

Peter's words caused both Derek and Adelina to snap their heads towards him. "The wendigo?" He asked as he took a step toward Peter.

"Yep." He nodded in response.

"Then where is it now?"

Peter's lips slowly formed into a sinister smile as he leaned onto the table behind him, "I killed it." The casual tone that he used made Adelina nervous. She knew full well of all the horrible things Peter had done but the fact that he could be so indifferent when talking about taking anothers life made her uncomfortable.

Derek scoffed before returning to what he was doing, "Ofcourse you did."

Peter eyed his nephew with a fake shocked expression on his face, "So you're uncle tells you that a wendigo tried to eat his face for breakfast and you just don't care? I'm offended." His hand had raised to his chest in a dramatic fashion.

"Good." Derek simply stated as he refused to look at his uncle.

Adelina thought about the two of them. They both were kind of annoying in her opinion but she appreciated that Peter at least had a bit of flair. She actually quite liked Peter, ignoring the fact that he's mostly a bad person. He was quite witty and made her laugh, plus he was a good opponent for chess.

She watched as Peter strided toward her, his famous smirk still lingering on his face. He stopped a few inches infront of her, mischief glinting in his eyes, "So, did the two of you enjoy your make out session when I left last time?"

Her eyes suddenly grew wide as the wind got trapped in her throat. She opened and closed her mouth to curse him but nothing came out, causing her to look like a fish struggling for air. Instead she turned to physical violence and hit him rather roughly on his chest. But being a werewolf he didn't really feel anything and barely moved, instead he chuckled at her reaction.

Growing more flustered, she walked away from him to try and hide how flushed her cheeks were. "Just ignore him, Adelina. Now try and get some rest. You take the bed and I'll take the couch."

"No you take the bed. It's your bed anyway and I'd feel bad kicking you on the couch for a second time." She shook her head, she really would feel guilty if he gave up his bed for her again and she hoped that he wouldn't stay on the couch until she found a place of her own, however long that would take.

Derek didn't even consider her words as he slid his leather jacket off of his shoulders, "You woke up from a coma a few hours ago. Take the bed."

Adelina was about to demand that she be the one to sleep on the couch before Peter spoke up. She hadn't even noticed that he walked up behind her and leaned over her shoulder so that when he spoke, his breath brushed across her cheek, "Why don't you both sleep on the bed?" She could practically hear him smirking behind her.

Derek glared at him. The way that Peter stood only centermeters behind Adelina caused anger to boil up inside of him. Noticing the growing murderous look that his nephew was giving him, Peter stepped away from her with his hands raised in surrender. Yet his face held a victorious smirk. He got the exact reaction he wanted out of Derek. The one that confirmed that he did in fact have a thing for the beautiful young girl, even if he wasn't aware of it himself.

"Just a suggestion. I recommend you try it though, I believe you both will enjoy it." The smugness of his words faded away as he disappeared out of the door.

Adelina cursed her racing heart as she knew Derek could hear it. But she couldn't stop it from thumping inside her chest as she began imagining less than holy things that could happen between the two of them. The sexual tension between the them made her believe that they wouldn't be able to be so close to one another for so long without doing something they'd probably regret later.

Her head snapped to Derek when a soft chuckle left his lips as he approached her. "You know that I can smell emotions right?" He smirked.

She held her breath, trying to avoid eye contact with him, "Yep." Her lips had pressed into a thin line as she tried to stop the erotic thoughts flooding her mind.

A satisfied smile formed on his lips. Then his arm reached behind her knees before carefully lifting her into his arms. "Derek!" She gasped at his sudden action. What was with him carrying her like this lately? He carried her over to his bed then gently placed her down. His hands rested on either side of her hips as she sat against the headboard. "Sleep. Before you start thinking more dirty things." His voice was husky as he smirked at her.

The butterflies in her stomach began rippling frantically as he walked away from her, leaving her absolutely flustered.

That night the two slept separately, despite wondering how it would feel to hold each other in their sleep.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now