Chapter 42 - Preparing the New Wolf

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"Yeah, yeah. I'm ready. I'm so ready for this!" Leo wore a brave expression, his tone confident as he hopped from foot to foot, his arms swinging at his sides.

"You got this! You are gonna do great!" Stiles encouraged, giving the young wolf a proud grin and two thumbs up.

It was the night of the full moon and the pack along with Derek and Peter had gathered at an old, abandoned warehouse in the forest of Beacon Hills. The building was shabby and rundown, littered with dried, crumbled leaves and cobwebs. But its strong, industrial metal beams would be perfect to hold Leo whilst he turned during the full moon. This was only Leo's second full moon and boy was he nervous. It was about an hour before the full moon rose and Leo would shift. So whilst Derek, Scott, Peter and Isaac prepared a space for the young wolf to shift safely, the rest of the group stood encouraging Leo, assuring him he would be fine.

Placing her hand on the boys shoulder, Allison smiled sweetly, also offering him words of encouragement, "Just don't think too much. Scott, Derek and Isaac are here. They'll help you."

"Let's just not expect anything from Peter. He isn't exactly the most helpful." Lydia added bitterly.

"And he can hear you!" Peter called from the other side of the open warehouse. "Do people not seem to understand that supernatural hearing comes with being a supernatural werewolf?" He asked incredulously to no one in particular, his arms spread wide in a sarcastic manner.

"Oh, she knows. And i think she wants you to know how useless you can be." Adelina quipped back, tucking a strand of loose hair from her low bun behind her ear.

Peter opened his mouth to reply but Derek cut him off, "And she's not wrong either." Picking up the blue duffel bag, Derek carried it with ease over to a wide, metal pillar. When he dropped it to the hard ground, a deep, metallic thud echoed throughout the building.

"I have been much more useful than a group of prepubescent teens who think they can save the entire world." Peter mocked, a dissatisfied scowl on his face.

Scott cut in, "Guys, let's not get into this right now. We are here for Leo. Tonight is about helping him during the full moon. Let's not forget that." Being the ever loving keeper of the peace he was, Scott made sure to give everyone a stern look, making sure they knew to head his words.

"You've got this. Don't worry about it." Adelina smiled softly at Leo, her hand resting gently on his arm.

Leo returned the smile, the outer corners of his eyes turning to little crows feet as he nodded his head, "Totally. I'm gonna be fine."

Derek unzipped the duffel bag and pulled out a large, thick metal chain. As he let it hang loosely, the chain cracked down at the floor with a loud, unearthly thud.

Adelina cringed as she slowly spun back to Leo. The boys eyes had widened like saucers and his mouth hung agape as he stared horrified at the bag of heavy duty chains and all other sorts of metal torture devices. "Nope. I'm not ready." His pitch four octaves higher as he quickly spun on his heels, ready to walk away.

"Hey, hey." Stiles swiftly grabbed Leo's arms, spinning the boy back around as he firmly held him in place. Stiles tried offering him words of encouragement,  "It's really not that bad. I mean you could have a crown with spikes that just dig into your skull. Like really just drill right in there, straight through the bone and there'll be blood everywhere. I mean every. Where. So-"

"Stiles!" Lydia shouted, giving him an incredulous look. Poor Leo looked even more terrified as he sucked in a quick breath.

Now seeing the scared boys expression, Stiles fumbled with his jaw, "Well- I- I mean it's not that bad-"

Sighing, Allison shook her head as she offered Leo a comforting smile, "Don't listen to him. He's just going to scare you. You'll be fine."

"Yeah, just think about it. It might seem horrible and scary right now, but you'll learn to shift without it soon. Imagine it, after a few full moons you'll have as much control as the others." Adelina said, noticing how Leo relaxed slightly as he took in her words.

But Leo was still clearly opposed to the idea as his face grimaced and held a tinge of discomfort. But he took in a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before releasing it and now looking alot calmer. "Okay. Its just for a while. Its only temporary." He tried to convince himself as he approached the other werewolves.

"I mean, it's actually until you learn control but- Ow!" Stiles mumbled under his breath before gasping in surprise, his hand rubbing the now tender spot on his arm from where Lydia had just elbowed him. He gave her an exasperated expression but the sassy strawberry blonde just rolled her eyes and shook her head as she strode away from him.

"Okay. Let's get this started." Derek stated, taking control as he gestured for Leo to walk over to the metal pillar.

Sighing under his breath, Peter mumbled, "Please. There are a million other places I would rather be right now."

Scott gave the older man a pointed look, causing Peter to groan before he trudged over to help Scott, Derek and Isaac chain Leo to the pillar.

Leo stood with his back a few inches from the pillar, the chain wrapped around his wrists and the space around his elbows, holding his arms in place. Securing his legs, the chain wrapped around his ankles and hips.

"Give it a try." Isaac asked and Leo pulled on the chains. They slapped together, metal on metal, but Leo couldn't move. He was completely secured to the beam.

Nodding his head at his handy-work, Scott smiled, "Great. Now we just wait."

Nervously, Leo quickly smiled before his face morphed into a worried expression.  "We're right here." Leo was surprised to hear Derek talk gently to him, giving him some comfort as he gave him some tips for what to focus on when trying to control the shift.

A fond smile unknowingly formed on Adelina's lips as she watched the two: the man she loved and the young boy she considered a brother. They had surprisingly gotten along better than anyone thought they would and she was happy to see it.

"Hey." A cautious voice broke her from her trance as she slowly turned to her left, a sad smile on her lips as she instantly recognised the voice.

"Hey." She softly called back, her cobalt orbs landing on Isaac's crystal ones. It was the first time they had spoken to or properly looked at each other since that night.

He had his hands tucked into the pockets of his leather jacket as he leaned back slightly. His honey blonde curls bouncing slightly as he slowly bobbed his head up and down. The air was awkward between the two, something so foreign between them.

Adelina looked down, finding her feet being the most interesting thing as she nervously chewed on her bottom lip. Issac did something similar, his eyes fixated on the ground as he swayed slightly from side to side, his foot kicking an imaginary rock.

Neither knew what to say to each other but they knew they wanted to talk. Now they just had to find the right words to clear the awkward air.

Clearing his throat, Isaac asked, "Can we, uh, talk?"

Adelina sucked in her bottom lip as she nodded her head at him, "Mhm, yeah. Yes."

"Cool." He pursed his lips, awkwardly nodding his head as he let took a deep breath.

"Here?" She asked, nervously.

"Oh, no. Urm..." Isaac gulped before awkwardly pointing behind him with his finger, "Just- Just over there."



Then she followed Isaac to a more private area of the warehouse where they could finally talk.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now