Chapter 26 - There Is That

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Walking back to the loft that night didn't feel right. So much had happened in just a few hours. The reopening of the bar, singing on stage with Nick, drinking and dancing with Derek, then wolfsbane from the smoke machine to a mutilated body hanging from the fence.

Remembering the scene, Adelina winced. It was definitely nightmare fuel and she could tell she was going to have a few for a while.

Slowly she sat down on Derek's couch with Derek carefully watching her. She hadn't said a word since the bar, she couldn't find her voice or the right words to say. Everything had just changed so quickly. She'd been hearing of all these bodies and seen the pictures but being there in that very moment, seeing it with your own eyes, it was the harsh reality settling in.

He took a few cautious steps towards her, unsure if she needed comforting or to time alone. "Do you need anything? Or is there something I can do?" His voice was soft and quiet.

For a moment, she didn't do anything. Didn't speak or move, just stared aimlessly infront of her. "I dont- I don't want to be afraid..." her voice was just short of a whisper, "But I am. That was horrible. What we saw was just- no one should have to... die... like that."

The first time she spoke and her voice had cracked and croaked, she sounded broken. Her puffy and red eyes glazed over as her gaze met Derek's. Just seeing her and hearing her words, he frowned as he quickly walked up to her and sat beside her, taking her hands in his own.

"It's okay to be afraid. You don't have to hide that from me. You don't have to hide anything from me. I won't let anything happen to you. Or to Scott, or Stiles or anyone else. I promise. We are going to find out what's going on and stop the alpha and the hunters. No more people are going to die. Scott won't let it happen." His words echoed softly in her ears. She knew that Scott would find a way to save everyone, that's what he did. He was the true alpha who was kind and caring and gained his power through his determination for peace rather than power. And she knew that Derek would protect her. For she never felt safer than when she was with him. Though she had to admit, seeing everything first hand, she was a little scared of the werewolves, but not as much as she was scared of human fear and greed.

Being unable to find the words, she nodded her head in response, biting her quivering lip in an attempt to calm it. Derek pulled her close to him, confortingly rubbing her back as he laid them both down on the couch. He knew that he would do whatever it took to protect Adelina. For he felt for her what he hadn't felt in a long time. And this time, no one was going to take her away from him.


"I'm telling you Stiles, I have met this person before! I just can't figure out who the hell it is." Scott huffed in frustration. He was still thinking about the two werewolves from last night. The young boy and the mysterious assailant who he knew he had met.

"Well maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Maybe your little teen wolf senses are dysfunctional." Stiles retorted, pushing through the crowded school corridor as the two came to a stop  at Scott's locker.

"I know what I smelt." Scott responded firmly, givng Stiles a serious glare.

"Okay, okay." He raised his hands in surrender, "So what are we going to do about it? How do we find someone in a whole town by scent?"

"Sounds like the two of you need some help." Adelina chirped, smiling at the two as she slid into view.

Upon hearing her voice, the two boys immediately turned to her, sympathetic faces as they quickly embraced her. "Ady." Scott breathed over her shoulder.

Being crushed in the Scott and Stiles sandwich she nodded awkwardly before patting both their backs, "Surprise comforting hug. Should've expected that."

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now