Chapter 27 - Jake Talot

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Avoiding Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Allison and Lydia is way easier said than done. After swiftly exiting the classroom, Adelina found it difficult to dodge the concerned and interseted stares of her friends. In order to evade their persistent pursuit, she found herself weaving and sliding through masses of students, her back hastily pressing to the closest wall when someone she recognised rounded the corner.

With the boys locker room door in sight, her legs pushed to their limit as they scampered towards it. She knew that her friends wouldn't approve of her meeting with Jake, as they had continually voiced their distaste for him in the two months that they had known each other. Yet something told her she had to at least hear him out as he wasn't the type of person to say or do things without reason.

Entering the locker room, she immediately noticed the dimmed lights and eerie silence. The room was completely empty and you could hear a pin drop in the lack of noise. Even the chatter and patter of feet outside seemed to completely die down when she entered the room.

A shiver ran down her spine as she glanced around the empty space. She was sure she could see her breath puff out into a faint white cloud before her. Slowly, her feet carried her through the rows of lockers, the darkness from inside of them sending chills throughout her body.

"Jake?" She cursed the way her voice seemed to tremble. The entire situation unnerved her.

The sudden clatter of something hitting metal caused her body to flinch backwards. Yet her feet moved quicker towards the noise. When she finally turned the corner, she let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding.

Leaning against the cool grey of the metal locker, was Jake. His black curtain styled hair reached just above his chin and hung over his face. She noted his stiff shoulders and tense stance. Something serious was clearly about to happen.

When he noticed her presence, he immediately looked up. His chocolate orbs locked onto hers as he moved toward her with a stern expression. "Ady." She couldn't help but stiffen at the sombre tone off his voice as he spoke her name, it sounding foreign from the person she spent the last almost five years with.

"You wanted to talk." She mimicked his stern tone and folded her arms over he chest, trying to shake the uneasy atmosphere.

In turn Jake nodded before stopping a few feet infront of her, "You should go back to London. It's not safe for you here."

An involuntary scoff left her lips at his words. "This is what you wanted you talk about?" The words spat like venom. She found it difficult to believe that he suddenly cared even the slightest amount for her after everything he'd done.

"I'm serious." He huffed as he took a step forward, his serious expression never wavering, "People are dying and your little friends are dragging you into something they don't understand. Something that will get you killed."

Ignoring his last comment she furrowed her brows at him as she eyed him suspiciously, "You say this like you know what's going on around here?"

Jake quickly glanced away from her, inhaling his bottom lip. Clearly he knew something about what was happening in Beacon Hills and she needed to know what. "You do know something! Tell me what the hell is happening to this town. If it's about the werewolves and the hunters then you have to tell me."

Brushing off her demand he took a menacing step toward her. Despite the jump of her heart beat and the feeling of fear creeping through her skin, Adelina stood her ground. She refused to cower in front of him just because he decided he was going to be a big bad wolf. He didn't deserve the satisfaction of that reaction from her.

"I don't have to tell you anything." The words dripped in growing anger as he stood so close that she could feel the bursts of his breath whipping at her cheeks. "Things are getting worse here and it's not going to end well for you. Hell, it's not going to end well for anyone. So you should leave while you still have the chance."

"Nothing you say to me has any effect on me anymore. I'm not leaving." She glared at him.

Letting out a frustrated groan his jaw clenched as his eyes burnt with fury. "You think Scott is gonna protect you? He might be a true alpha but him and his little pack are nothing compared to what's coming. What's already here, knocking on our gates. Or do you think Derek Hale is gonna be the one to protect to you? The werewolf who had a bunch of teenagers take down his uncle so that it'd be easier for him to kill him and become the alpha. Then when he was alpha he was useless compared to Deucalions alpha pack. He even gave up being an alpha! He's just a little beta now. He's weak. He's nothing. He'll get you killed."

"He is a far better werewolf than you! He has control, he's strong and compassionate. He's not a ticking time bomb like you! And I've never felt safer than when I'm with him. And as for Scott he'll do everything he can to protect the people he cares about." At the mention of her friends being belittled, Adelina felt boiling rage. These were people who unconditionally helped and cared for her even though they knew nothing about her. People who had welcomed her into their lives and bonded with her. And she wouldn't just stand there and accept someone like Jake ridiculing them.

As the last word left her lips with a violent spit, she abruptly turned on her heels, ready to make her way out of the locker room. But before she could take her second step, Jakes hand harshly gripped her upper arm and he pulled her back to him with such force that it felt like he was attempting to tear her arm from the socket. "I'm trying to protect you." He seethed through gritted teeth as his eyes grew dangerously dark when they zoned in on her.

In the next second, a loud bang could be heard as the locker room door violently swung open. Before either of them could process what happened, Isaac charged at Jake, tearing his hand from Adelina before ferociously slamming him into the lockers. The whole room vibrated from the deathly growl that sounded from Isaac as his eyes glowed a bright gold, a flicker of embers within them.

Jake groaned in pain as he raised himself to his hands and knees. Isaac stood menacingly over him, his chest heaving up and down in pure untamed anger. Just as he took a step towards Jakes helpless figure, Adelina slipped her hand into his in an attempt to stop him from brutally attacking Jake, or even murdering him.

"Isaac." Her soft voice trembled slightly, "He's not worth it. Let's just go, please?" She pleaded as she stepped slightly closer toward him.

Isaacs head turned over his shoulder as he stared the girl down, his unrelenting angerd face immediately softening. After a few seconds, his golden orbs flickered before returning to their normal crystal blue. He nodded his head slightly as his fingers intertwined with hers before swiftly pulling her from the locker room. He kept her close as if scared that something would pull her away from him. The grip on her hand tightened slightly, not uncomfortably.

After walking to an empty hallway that was a fair distance from the locker room, Isaac positioned himself infront of Adelina before reluctantly letting go of her hand. Instead he brought his hands to her face, brushing loose strands of hair behind her ears and letting his fingers softly caress her cheeks. His brows furrowed as his eyes examined her face in worry, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" His voice was soft yet desperate.

"No, no he didn't." She shook her head slowly before inhaling a sharp breath.

"I swear if he touches you again I'll kill him-" noticing the anger starting to rise in his words, she gently grabbed his hands that were still roaming her cheeks.

"He won't. Okay? I promise." Her words were a soft whisper that seemed to calm Isaac.

After letting out a small sigh, he leaned toward her, placing a soft kiss on her forehead before muttering the words, "I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt." Then his hands tangled themselves into her hair as he pulled her into a comforting embrace.

The intimate moment with Isaac took Adelina by surprise and her mind wondered to the argument she had with Derek. The one where he accused Isaac of having feelings for her. A pang of guilt struck in her chest. She didnt want to belive that Isaac had romantic feelings for her, but instead cared for her like a best friend or a sister. If he did romantically feel for her, then she didn't know what she would do. Because it wasnt Isaac who would cause her heart to pound in her chest or leave her skin burning with even the simplest of touches. It wasnt Isaac who she longed to hold and kiss. For she knew that undoubtedly her heart belonged to Derek Hale.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now